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Everything posted by Sideffect...

  1. no idea that this was an existing problem well it is seems to be so nice solution
  2. Good release , psychedelic ambient, but again the same story as hallucinogen in dub, also this release is totally not dub or dubstep @ all...
  3. all kinds of music, ragga, reggea, dub, ska, ska punk, dub, dubstep, rock, electro, tech house and ect ...
  4. Spritual Renewal is pretty good, it's a hit... but not a stayer imo
  5. psysex - hardcore blastoff :posford:
  6. still one of the best, a perfect crossover from melodic psychedelic trance to morning fullon, too bad the mastering didn't turn out right, for the rest 10/10
  7. very good release, I might say the best until 2007 in it's kind... very motivating and crystal clear
  8. I like them subtle
  9. it's morning fullon and lower mediocore moring fullon my imo... btw: anybody a link on that clubber volume 1 release from (hommega) ?
  10. holymen has released a new album http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/eni/eni1cd006.html check the latest indra too, it'll draw your attention... link: click !
  11. Neelix - 2005 release :posford:
  12. same over here, seems interesting to review
  13. still like their sound, can't help it... :posford:
  14. +1 it was maybe wizard twizack... krumeleur - minimal or that's too slow...
  15. minimal approach, sounds indeed very interesting thanx for the tip
  16. rapidshare doesn't work anymore, second link is starting :wank: so you tube mmmm
  17. just what I need a brand new t-shirt :drama:
  18. dubstep as we say in belgium, pretty nice to me, I like dubstep, haven't heard this album to be honest....
  19. great, the first is amazing, super news :posford:
  20. have to check, seems very nice :posford:
  21. too noisy and not subtle enough sorry
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