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Everything posted by Sideffect...

  1. for a first listen, lot's of variations, very intelligent... good sound, very good nice
  2. to bad, still looking forward to it
  3. AMD - bigfish for the first time, I'm curious
  4. for old skool, belgium is a good example
  5. Bitkit: Logical (CD) KAIROO RECORDS http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/kai/kai1cd003.html 1. Connection 2. Mystic 3. Redemption 4. Release 5. Initialize 6. Logical 7. Skydive 8. Trinidat I'm proud to present to review my third Belgium goa artist named Bitktit – logical, Reviewing track by track is not 100% necessary but I'll manage to present some specific details / track. What is nice to describe is the concept, first some more technical/put into perspective genre information and compare to some other artist who have look a like influences to create an idea, Here we go  Like always I have a general for people who don't like long reviews but just want to get an idea of the release, And a more detailed part for the freaks (kidding ) General, I think we can place bitkit perfectly within the israelien morning fullon concept, strong rolling baseline, warm psychedelic sounds caressing your ear… What I like about the bitkit concept is the "not overloaded" atmosphere all the time, it's one of those releases when it's over, you just put on play again and repeat, you never get bored, bitkit perfectly knows how to keep your mind busy, very softly he represent his concept but it's not like after track 3 he revealed everything and the rest is just clone of it's own concept, This album is pretty great for home listening…and the perfect time to release, the spring is showing it's best side, the sun is shining on my desktop and this is morning music… More a warmer upper before the next full melodic morning fullon… In the advancement gunther lowers down the psychedelic sounds and uses more the baseline/kick to create creativity… All sounds have that crystal clear feeling what is always nice  , Each track has off course the typical bitkit kick but in one way or another he managed to create diversity in each track very detailed… Once the baseline goes faster and stronger but at the other hand a more walk in the woods atmosphere rises. Off course starting a track with a slower driver and "going to hyperspace" hehe, is a typical main mark for morning fullon… Imo to be morning fullon bitkit uses different sounds, first the more little psychedelic flying sounds coming from everywhere, but then suddenly gunther caresses your ear with more trance tinted sounds what makes the morning concept perfectly to announce a climax… When it comes to climaxes, as we define the more ending of the track after the advancement you don't have to expect full climaxes all the time, he is very subtle and humble with his warm sound… there is only one track he uses a guitar riff, some very euphorically climax . Perfect morning fullon waves, warm floating strong… Others are more speaking melodies, layers going faster up & down telling a story… Don't forget this is actual one layer trance if you listen to it, not for creating off course… Because of bitkit using many influences, but not getting overloaded, the concept of lot's of variations rises, you hear smooth piano sounds, a subtle guitar riff and etc… Well enough for general, maybe some artist I would compare to… for the concept of not overloaded, but morning fullon I think of cosmic tone… Warm sound, not to full climaxes in each track… For the most used sounds I would compare it with the latest protoculture album, the warm sound they use, it's not the same off course, but direction to… For the some more trance sounds definitely yahel, more yahel's advancement of his earlier tracks… The crackling of the sound sometimes remind me of digital karma, or rastaliens if I had to choose a morning fullon artist… Considering the full climaxes no names be needed, we have enough full melodic israelien morning fullon on the market… The baseline is more difficult, I like it a lot, it's very heavy and possibly not that easy to use such a strong baseline compared with not overloaded sounds… But it works fine on my speakers , the variations of kick like I already said, well experience it yourself, if you like morning music this will definitely be your cup of tea… Short version of typical elements/marks of each track… 1. connection Connection is an intro track, nothing special, just showing the concept, as first track perfect, no negative comments… 2. mystic Mystic is driven by a very strong bass but a more slower driver, very nice, bitkit changes of kick and drive through the advancement very original and shows a bit the strength/power of it's concept… At the end you hear a very subtle floating climax, more to come, bitkit is teasing is us and creating for more… 3. Redemption Another nice kick floats trough my speakers, and further the advancement enters, bitkit uses speaking melodies what creates an uplifting atmosphere… Small more trance tinted sounds are floating together with those melodies compared to a hard cosma kick… very nice… 4. Release Release has a very atmospheric intro, the rising silicoun sounds from 2003 who create that powerful treble concept, rise… this is one of the tracks bitkit keeps balanced, no full climaxes but a continue of warm sounds filling your living room and keeping you busy… 5. Initialize Initialize has a very fast drive, from all his baselines this one is the less interesting compared to the rest off course, the warm floating sounds are nice done in the advancement… At the end you know why, this is bitkit most euphorically climax, this is pure bliss, fast morning sounds and when you think it's over bitkit stops, lowers down and creates a perfect atmosphere with some yahel twinkling sounds, after that we are back to the climax, a never ending story ,100% dance floor killer… 6. Logical Logical has imo the most funky baseline of all… very nice, motivation level extremely high…at the 1min 50 sec he plays with a psychedelic sounds amazing… well done gunther, It makes me smile , this track what I referred to in general is the track where he uses guitars, again not overloaded or macho… The detail for outro is very nice here, the track doesn't stop after the climax immediately but bitkit floats out very softly using minimal melodies… 7. Skydive Skydive is strong, the drive less crystal clear but in one way or another he manages it To compare them with crystal clear sound… Nothing very new here but the end is amazing start @ minute 7… very subtle and extremely floating… thanx  8. trinidat Trinitdat is back with the typical bitkit kick and drive, crystal clear and motivated… Directly in the advancement gunther uses subtle waves, what the heck is the last song, no teasing anymore, full ahead… this track is again one pure bliss after another… Conclusion… Morning fullon lovers this is an absolute most, but also not morning fullon lovers could find some interesting tracks here… It's not that typical waiting for a climax until the end trance, or taking the easy road and just very nervous full climaxes, It's thought trough… Well it's my cup of tea, and those who know my taste  Cheerz Sideffect. More info and contact : http://www.bitkit.be
  6. nice ambient, very floating, natural feeling, the pattern of the baseline is dub minded, not bad @ all...
  7. try the space tribe vs electric universe release, and the new space tribe album, it'll fancy you too probably
  8. come to belgium I'm still glad to hear the full flamyingcore track in good quality, so nice
  9. have to check tristan still and read good things about AMD, beathackers is mediocre imo compared their previous album, I would add: cafu - wake up (nice, simple but good progressive) mechanix - one game (fullon but imo good fullon)
  10. ultravoice vs liroy - whiplash
  11. maybe changing clothes would prevent you're girlfriend calling you a pussy kidding off course c u soon friend
  12. first albums was indeed pretty good
  13. +1
  14. bitkit - logical (review coming up)
  15. mine doesn't share the same goa taste, she doesn't mind going to goa, but I never put goa full on my speakers in the living room, use my headphones... although some progressive she doesn't mind, I really wouldn't want to have a relationship with a girl who is in her super hype goa period, I would make me nervous...
  16. old both off course
  17. 1. I haven't been following this thread @ all 2. is this become a spam thread instead of posting you're best of 2006 3. are there any results already and is that why all the spamming is about
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