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Everything posted by Sideffect...

  1. twist dreams indeed if you like goatrance concept...
  2. there has always been good and bad in each year
  3. welder is great, the baseline pattern is perfect, very motivating in dub style to be psychedelic ambient, it's not super super, but pretty good compared to other releases imo..
  4. ragga mix - timeless, the sun is shining, the weather is sweet
  5. me too, I'll check the review np: ragga mix
  6. electric universe - science again
  7. made for money or not, if it's good it's good music, nothing more to add....
  8. indeed but that one I don't have original...
  9. that album is indeed imo a crossover, it's like melodic techno, don't know how to describe it, I think labels are more the pioneers, dragonfly first compilation from 1994 for example...
  10. todays morning fullon gms/1200 mics silicoun sound jirah sesto sento bizarre contact infected mushroom space monkey orion todays progressive beat bizarre cosmic tone cosma todays dark parasense todays suomi compilations like the first orebro freak factory where way ahead of their time, it's not actual suomi anymore but it was the start, battle of the future buddhas miraculix steptime and etc... that what pop's up in my mind
  11. both, it's the concept that is important, the know how of creating a good baseline and let the melodies perfectly f loath with it
  12. I can host it for you, no limits of speed, user/day download and etc... just send the file to through msn or maybe upload it once... PM me if you are interested
  13. the quacken off course and bruce
  14. not actually the men is > 40
  15. np you're welcome
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