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Everything posted by Pandemonium

  1. I agree, they are quickly becoming one of my favorite artists, thats why I was intrigued to open a topic with this question about them.
  2. I own the Timecode compilation released earlier this year titled Kurtuxo. On this compilation there are two tracks released by an artist under the name of Poison. I recently bought Artifakt Versus Poizon, and the compilation Tokoloshe Tales. On both of these releases there are tracks released under the artist name of Poizon. Im guessing that these two variations of spelling are the same artist. Or maybe not, The first and last names of the artists are even mixed up as well on the release info. Does anyone have any information about this?
  3. These beuties arrived in the mail yesterday from Saikosounds!!
  4. Psyshop: Rebuy From a friend: For me, I gotta have my trance music to
  5. Waiting on packages from three different sources right now. Saikosounds: digipack rebuy
  6. One of the deepest journies into unknown galaxies. This album always makes my mind wander about the unknown. Very mysterious sounding and I love it!!!!
  7. +100, I love Above and Beyond and they deserve all of the props they can get. Alot of talent come from those guys and their label Anjunabeats.
  8. I just nutted in my pants. No seriousely I will be like a young boy waiting for christmas morning to come, and when it does I will ravishly tear the packaging open and insert it into the disc tray.
  9. There are some good older releases there as well, if you dig through the rubble. I own like 10 of those and they are good. How about Iono, Dacru, Dooflex, Neurobiotics, Nano, Sonic Dragon,Parvati, to name a few. Do you not think any of these labels have good releases?
  10. Just got these in the mail yesterday!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I just listened to this entire album again today while working out at the gym. I must say that it took me to another universe. A pure high!!! This is magical!!
  12. Disc 2 Downtempo, so beutiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Already ordered this a few days ago. The samples sounded really solid.
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