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Everything posted by Pandemonium

  1. Now this guy is into his music. The dancing kind of looks like my style when Im at a party :posford:
  2. My favorite chill, ambient, down tempo, what ever you want to call it label. I really enjoy Carbon Based Lifeforms, and Solar Fields sounds. perfect for the ganja.
  3. I voted Chrome also. I only own Chrome & Sharp, and I havnt heard their older stuff. It was before my time. I also own the Japanese version. I wasnt aware of the western version.
  4. Let me be the first one to comment your comments box. Yes. It's my honour :)

  5. Im looking forward to this one. I have really liked Trancelucents output in the last 2 years. Especially Quantums last album.
  6. I myself was also very dissapointed in this album. I had high hopes and expectations for this. After they released Twilight Zone I felt the bar had been raised. Well I feel that it is safe to say that the bar has been lowewred here. I keep wanting to like this album after each listen, but always find myself getting bored. There is definetely something lacking here. 5/10
  7. I like the new logo at the top. Its fresh yet still simple.
  8. Visual paradox-Trancelucid
  9. A friend of mine recently picked this album up and I must say that I was also impressed. Beutiful & entertaining to the ear just as you said. Its already on my to buy list.
  10. Yes a very warm 20 minute journey Im listening to this now.
  11. Heres some great progressive for you (IMO): Ovnimoon-Human Spirit Aerospace-Elevation John 00 Fleming-Unfold (a two disc mix of full on and progressive)
  12. I really dont care that everyone hates this release, every time I listen to this I want to move uncontrolably. Call it predictable, call it boring, call it formulaic, but when push comes to shove this music makes me want to move, and thats the whole point of psy trance. :posford: :posford: :posford:
  13. I have a few of the old releases from Blackhole. Mostly the Tiesto ones.
  14. I have Age Of Love on 3 separate comps. 1.Dance Valley 2004-Main stage adition mixed by Ferry Corsten (Marc Et Claude Remix) 2.Perfect Remixes Vol. 2 mixed by Paul Van Dyk 3.Tunnel Trance Force America (Marc Et Claude Remix)
  15. An old comp hat I beleive was a Japan only release back in 2001. Ferry Corstens-Trancedome, Bartheez-On The Move (Riva Remix) GOOD OLD FEEL GOOD TRANCE, with simple, yet timeles melodies. :posford:
  16. And they also spelled it psychadelic rather than psychedelic. Thay must have really spent their time on this one. :wank:
  17. Typical festival here in Japan might run you $500 or about 50,000 yen for one weekend. $150 at the gate. Another $50-$70 for parking, sometimes, an extra $20-$50 dollars for your tent sight. Then you still have to buy food, drinks, and pay for gas. The last party I attended here you couldnt even bring your own alcohol into the party, unless your good at sneaking it in. I think the psy scene here is for the rich!
  18. Dynamo is a collaboration between Eskimo & Dynamic.
  19. Thanks for the great reccomendations buddy, Ill give these a listen
  20. Setherian-Critical Overflow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :posford:
  21. Thats a good idea, I might try and give it a shot, now all I have to do is decide what $100 of music that I want to buy. Transdimensionals Dimension 5, and Carbon Based Lifeforms Hydroponic Garden are at the top of the list!
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