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Everything posted by Pandemonium

  1. That will be on next weeks order along with both beat generations and both destinations comps.
  2. I just finally ordered: 1. Ritmo- Disharmonic Silence 2. Ritmo- Archive 9 3. Suntree- Inside 4. Ovnimoon- Geometric Poetry My First 4 Iono releases and Im so excited. Now the long 3-12 business day wait from Psyshop in Germany.
  3. I think you are confusing psytrance, and clubs, they really have nothing to do with each other. Usually psytrance events or parties are put together by promoters, and an event organized by the same promoter can be at various areas including in and outdoor locations. For the U.S. I would have to say that California and New York by far have the most events going on all year long, but most of the time not in clubs.
  4. A blind buy for me, Sensient is one of my favorite artists.
  5. Been listening to this to and from college in the car today and I have to say that it still beats off as hard as the first day I listened to it several years ago.
  6. I like that alot, a simple yet effective buildup with some very nice atmosphere. And some drums as well. Also enough variation to keep my attention.
  7. Gave this another listen today after it was sitting on the shelf for a while, and I have to say that it sounds better this time around. It must have grown on me a bit, plus I listened to it on a better sound system. That always helps.
  8. Exaile-Knock It Off on the Zoo 2 comp. compiled by Skazi, This track has always been insane to me because of the wacky samples used and for the creepy carnival sounds and insanely intense build up. and also Rinkadink-Kookyaboom (remix) on V/A Eclipse for the samples of crazy laughing and acidy sounds, these two always surprised non psy listeners as well when played for them.
  9. I was interested to hear what someone elses thoughts were on this album. I listened to the samples on Saikosounds and I actually liked them, but they were just samples. Still about 4 minutes though. I was contemplating on wether or not to buy this.
  10. Perfect for an album to fall asleep to.
  11. This album is so sick and full of power, and the artwork is amazing as well.
  12. One of the most unique albums that I have ever heard.
  13. That would be great, but I do not own that cd. I really appreciate it though. Now if you had a spare back insert of V/A- Full on 7 (Hom-mega) then I would be greatly interested. And you are right, I am pissed at myself fo doing what I did, but no changing the past.
  14. A bit poppy, but I love the Techno logic track
  15. You can purchase it right now on Saikosounds for $12.95 http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display_release.asp?id=7839
  16. Thats not a bad idea. I was just hoping that maybe someone would at least have a few of these lying around somewhere to sell, maybe like and extra copy or something.
  17. Thanks to all for your tips, I will place my order this week. Such a solid label with alot of great artists, I have been missing out so time to play catch up. I think I will be ordering: 1.Ovnimoon-Geometric Poetry 2.Suntree-Inside 3.both Ritmo releases 4.Beat Generation 2 That should be a great start.
  18. So I am about to make my first purchases and welcome Iono as another new label into my music collection. I have read alot of good feedback about this label and from the sounds of the samples it feels like the type of warm driving progressive that I enjoy, the problem is that I will order only 3-4 releases from Iono at first. So out of the entire Iono catalogue which are the best of the best? Everything sounds good to me, but Id like to hear some other peoples reccomendations before I place my order.
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