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Everything posted by Pandemonium

  1. Thanks man, I learned two new words today Wanker and Tosser.
  2. Thank you Rotwang, at least someone understands where I was coming from on this issue. And now since you already said the exact things that I was going to say in my defense, now I really dont have to say anything else on this matter. I will add that Goa Restricted is making decisions about people he doesnt know off of feelings, becasue he feels that I am a tosser (which I still do not know what that is, but Im sure Ill find out soon enough) with entitlement issues. Typical disgusting human behavior. Basing concepts off of emotional assumptions.
  3. I to order blindly when it comes to Suntrip releases. From Twist dreams until the E-mantra that is on its way in the mail I have almost every release besides for the first 5. Always top notch top quality music.
  4. Just ordered this on psyshop.
  5. I just got an email from Rob and they will send me the cd and I will send back the compact stick. so that is great news.
  6. You assume that I have entitlement issues because I feel that I should receive a free cd for someone elses mistake? Im not exactly sure what a tosser is either so speak some proper english please. If i had an entitlement issue then I would expect to order cds from Saiko without paying a single cent. Dont assume, it makes an ASS out of U & ME
  7. I already considered this website to be the myspace of the psy community.
  8. I ordered 8 cds the other day and when I opened the Electric Universe it was a copact stick rather than a cd. I am so dissapointed. I contacted Saiko twice now but no response yet. I even checked my invoice on my email to make sure that it wasnt my mistake and it wasnt. I ordered the cd. In this siuation they should send me the cd for free since it was their mistake. Has this ever happened to anyone else?
  9. I ordered it really early on moday morning and I had it at my door by wednesday. Only 2 days. Thats record time from Saiko for me. I hope that yours comes through soon. Its truelly a psychedelic dream!!
  10. Now from Saikosounds: These guys are way underated. like a thread sais in the general section. With less guitars this is some of the best stuff I have heard in a while. another all time favorite rebuy the only penta album that I didnt own. Now I have them all! I chose this one for free from a list because I made such a big order. I already have multiple personalities 3 and its great so this one should be right down my alley.
  11. I ordered half from psyshop and half from Saiko. Here we go: first the psyshop order. old school rebuy another old school rebuy yet another rebuy. These were all just 5 dollars on psyshop. I just wanted an extra copy of this one to keep it sealed.
  12. This one is alot of fun. With great production and alot of variation it always puts me in that goofy mood.
  13. I didnt know it was cool to be an alphamale smartass. So your telling me that hypothetically if you were pissing somewhere and someone came up to you and kicked you down, you wouldnt retaliate physically? Alpha male or not, if you would do nothing thats just being a pussy. Unless you just like for people to do whatever they want to you and then get away with it. Whether it was right or wrong (probably more wrong) for that guy to be pissing in public, it was more wrong for the other guy to handle it the way he did by kicking him. Physical force requires a physical reaction imo.
  14. Well as some of you may know I once lived in Japan for 6 years and have since moved back to my home country of the U.S. I have been back there for a year. Well now I am on a 2 week vacation (holiday) in Japan and it has gotten worse. I hate to be negative, but the once beloved Quintrix in Shibuya has closed its doors. I couldnt beleive it. Now there is really nowhere to even get flyers to parties in Tokyo minus this one small shop called psychedelic garden in the Shinjuku ward, and their selections are very limited. How can the biggest city in the world house only one small psy shop? And I dont want to hear because of the economy. Im just so disappointed and it makes me not really want to come back to Japan again. Sure there are still beutiful women and great beer here, but thats not enough for me, My magical memories of Japan are only in my mind. But at least I have those now, while on the other hand as late as we may be. Psy has come a long way in America and is continually growing slowly but surely in the right way. I think the problem with Japan is that they commercialize everything entirely way to quickly thus watering the scene down completely. The same thing happened to the regular trance scene some time ago. I even went out to Roppongi and they had some decent progressive spinning at one bar, but 85% of all the clubs and bars were spinning rap, hiphop, and just pop music and it disgusted me. Customers dancing on the tables like they were hot. I felt like an alien there. I was thinking to myself am I the only one that thinks this is Pure crap? I guess I will just stick to the internet for the good parties like Labyrinth or Brainbusters. But I still remember a time where there would be so many good artists and parties here every weekend and it was pure bliss. I guess that all things have to change and sometimes that change isnt for the good.
  15. Im loving all of Timecodes output as of lately. This one brings me back 10 years to 1999 before I even listened to this type of music. I now have 5 of the 6 Magiks compiled by Tiesto. A really different world.
  16. I dont want to sound like a fake ass alpha male, but if I was the guy pissing and that happened to me I would have beat the living shit out of that dude, but then again I wouldnt be pissing in public like that either. To bad we couldnt see what happened after he got kicked down.
  17. I used to order only from psyshop, but after a horrible customer service experience in regards to an Ultimae cd that I ordered I have now switched all of my bussiness to Saiko. Thats to bad for psyshop, they Just lost years of business from me.
  18. Fedex delivery from this morning. Trick Musics follow up to Scorbs Ipso Fvcto two years back, and thus far it sounds amazing. I missed this one from Glowing Flame, but at least its still available. Im working on Buying the entire Glowing Flame catalogue, Im only a few releases short of my goal. I Didnt even know about psychedelic music back in the nineties when these tracks were originally released, never to late to get a hold of some timeless tunes. I already own Sattel Battles first release Sounds Cool and I loved it so Im giving this one some heavy listening. This one is a rebuy, the first copy that I purchased is still in great condition, but it cant hurt to have a backup copy of a favorite, plus I got it for 3 bucks on Saikosounds.
  19. Im loving this trippy ass sound from Norway, just full of surprises at every turn.
  20. Some more top notch covers imo.
  21. I wish that there was a bigger image of this on the internet, but this is one of the sickest album covers that I have ever seen. I own this album and It looks even better up close. I plan on getting this as a tattoo on my back soon (minus the artist & album names of course). It will be expensive and take many sessions.
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