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Shape Machine

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  1. Shin Ur - 3 - Changes The Trance Culture Happening .....be prepared for changes Live 40% (Dj Omi) - Israel Chemical Crew Sirius Records SNACK SHOP - Germany Geomagnetic.tv DJs Dj DANTREX - Polen Evil Knivel Records presenting the new Compilation „Evil Voices“ Dr. CHANGRA - Germany Evil Knivel Records Freak Society Iono Music afterhour: look for flyer on the event Deco FLUROBOTANICS - Czech Homepage special blacklight paintings ...FIRST TIME WITH ALL PAINTINGS IN GERMANY Physical and mental care provided by the shape community Location Z-Bau Grosse Halle Frankenstraße 200 Nuernberg Germany ...look out for the sign! Google Map ...to the route! Fee 10 Euro Hotline 0049 172 465 694 1 E-mail: yakaya@gmx.de
  2. Shin Ur - 2 - The Guide The Trance Culture Happening ....get connected Live AIRI - Suize Shiva Space Japan BOMBAX - Germany sonic tantra rec. / pi productions CYBERNETIKA - Germany Homepage DIVAMEE - Germany Homepage DJs FABIUZ - Germany Geomagnetic.tv IRAKLIS MINDPHASER - Greece Void Network Society afterhour: look for flyer on the event Deco Holy Places - Germany Yakaya Physical and mental care provided by the shape community Location Z-Bau Grosse Halle Frankenstraße 200 Nuernberg Germany ...look out for the sign! Google Map ...to the route! Fee 10 Euro Hotline 0049 172 465 694 1 ...last opening on this frequency: 16.03.07 Shin Ur - 3 - Changes Email yakaya@gmx.de
  3. Shin Ur - 1 - The Calling The Trance Culture Happening ...you are next step of evolution Live PSYCHE LOGOS - Brasil - visit the page - Planet B.E.N. Records - visit the page - ...first time in Nuremberg DJs JUGGLER - Portugal Chaishop - visit the page - FABIUZ - Germany Geomagnetic Records - visit the page - afterhour: look for flyer on the event Deco FELIX - Germany - visit the page - special Uv deco Physical and mental care provided by the shape community Location Z-Bau Grosse Halle Frankenstraße 200 Nuernberg Germany ...look out for the sign! Google Map ...to the route! Fee 10 Euro Hotline 0049 172 465 694 1 ...next events: 16.02.07 Shin Ur - 2 - The Guide 16.03.07 Shin Ur - 3 - Changes(last) Email yakaya@gmx.de
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