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musikullus last won the day on May 28 2022

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  1. Nice limited re-release bundle by muslimgauze: https://kontaktaudio.bandcamp.com/merch/muslimgauze-the-extreme-years-9-lp-box-set-black-vinyl
  2. Got the confirmation from paypal today about a full refund. 2 weeks ahead Logic Bomb is announced to perform next to my doorstep. Not shure if i‘ll be in the mood….
  3. Digicult vinyl campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/out-of-this-world-vinyl?fbclid=IwAR2zJRTU1H8wA7BsV_FJdBmVhxenh5T0KaLxYMWzMmbLNGY7nWnYRo0TeRY
  4. After 3 requests via email since end of November without any sign of live i decided today that my patience has come to an end. I placed a reclaim via paypal. I´ll keep you updated if the artist will wake up.
  5. Vinyl campaign of Living Light: https://livinglightmusic.bandcamp.com/campaign/multidimensional-sandcastles?fbclid=IwAR2f_RbUaNIkgN_ZARVTqAmQ0FZ3CCI9AppehLHcdvHPBDC0oi-NETBptfQ
  6. Globular launched a campaign to press Magnitudes of Order on vinyl: Magnitudes of Order – Vinyl Campaign | Globular (bandcamp.com)
  7. same thoughts here. …and i buyed a lot of overpriced reprints in the past ;-) Very sad to see the constantly increasing prices of their reprints.
  8. Adham Shaikh - Early Works 1992 - 1994 Limited double vinyl edition (300 copies) released on rediscovery Records: https://rediscoveryrecords.bandcamp.com/album/adham-shaikh-early-works-1992-1994
  9. New release from Sidereal: the calssic album Solar Fields - Blue Moon Station 2 color options, fair package price! https://sidereal.bigcartel.com/product/solar-fields-blue-moon-station-double-lp-16-07-2021
  10. Vinyl campaign via Bandcamp by excellent PsyDub Act „Quanta“: https://quanta-dub.bandcamp.com/campaign/dream-before-you-sleep Amount for pressing is already collected…7 days lefr for orders.
  11. First vinyl release from Zenon Records (Australia) on Diggers Factory: Sensient - Galaxians Pressing : 300 Copies https://www.diggersfactory.com/vinyl/229250/sensient-galaxians
  12. Hi everybody. Here´s a new campain of Globuar: https://globular.bandcamp.com/campaign/holobiont
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