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Everything posted by Elixer

  1. can someone explain me what is the hype is all about Son kite? i find this music boring and lack of creativity maybe there are sounds that only special people can hear? damn i guess i'm broken...
  2. lol Cinos I can't believe u say this album is overated after u have listen to it so much... i think u should buy another original copy! because it seems that these albums very worth ur time
  3. Le Lotus Bleu, got some mails from me! this guy rules love his reviews always know how to review any kind of music. sometimes i like his reviews more than the cds AND NOW I WANT TO SAY TO "DP" THE SAME AND IN PUBLIC, MANNNN YOU RULES!!! I READ MOST OF YOUR REVIEWS WITH FULL JOY, I GOT INSPIRED TO LISTEN TO THE MUSIC AFTER READING UR INSPIRING REVIEW, KEEP UP!
  4. we have the same taste also add hallucinogen!
  5. The Misted Muppet Crop Circles Hallucinogen Shpongle Infected Mushroom GMS
  6. word! i think this is one of the only album that it easy to notice that the artists really spent lots of time in the studio to write it. lots of great substance invested.
  7. LOL it looks like screen shot from GTA or Need For Speed underground
  8. my fav group these days Toward the Castle and The Mist ahhhhhh i love it the album has dark feelings, uplifting, emotional and whatever else..it has it all... special melodies, kicking base, complicated rhythms amazing pads...everything i love... so hard to express what i feel when i listen to the tracks...storm of emotions! 10/10 for me, the best album 2004 one of the few which i bought and i happy with that! i was wondering .... if this is the first album and already make such a big strike on the psy scene...so i have no idea what to expect in the second album, also because their music is not formulaic and they have lots of surprises.
  9. add to this 1200 Mics - mescaline Astrix - Life system Infected Mushroom - whatever you want GMS - splif politics (boom shankar!) Hallucinogen - Gamma Goblin The Misted Muppet - Extremely Witched Astral Projection - Mahadeva Space Cat - Power up Bamboo Forest - Breath ....
  10. there is nothing to search for, therefor there is nothing to find! anyway, maybe you have to be old to understand such a music... i'm only 25, i guess i'm too young to like something so boring like that.
  11. I'm going to check this out!
  12. Their music is slow therefore it is much easier to get good sound quality. this is fucking absolutely sure that every good full on artists, may do such a silly music by few hours and get much better production than son kite, i think their music pathetic. i just can't find much to listen in thier music.... this is too easy for the hears and fucking too boring... maybe their music will sound interesting for babies whose can't understand lots of layers together. and even if their production is poor in my opinion (since there is not much layers to mix) let say that they do have good production, --->production worth nothing when the "music" inside is sucking!!! completely can't understand what is the hype about their new album.
  13. <<<wow>>> i must shake my ass and get this one! Phi is great project!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I don't understand what is all the hype about Son kite , this is not even close to be tracne and not talking about psychedelic. this is seriouslt the most easy music to make, any stupid child can make such a silly simple lines, so un interesting, after 2 minutes i get so fucking bored.... maybe the must boring album ever released this year...cheesy house which have no connection to psytrance. house music make me feel sick and uninspired! anyway FREq make the best prog shit you can find these days. maybe the only good psychedelic trance progy shit i liked. son kite look like pussycat dancy unenjoyable crap compare to FREq with some great psychedelic sounds.
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