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Everything posted by psytimeofmylife

  1. Asura - 360 Solar Fields - Random Friday Ishvara - Under a Hexagon Sky Ishq - Seascapes Didn't really pay much attention to the music scene for the last two years. It was time to get some new(er) music.
  2. This one! oh god, this one !
  3. Lost and Sound: Berlin, Techno und der Easyjetset http://www.amazon.de/Lost-Sound-Easyjetset-suhrkamp-taschenbuch/dp/3518460447 ...about Techno, electronic music in general and parties in Berlin and how it all started
  4. Wow, IFO gets rereleased? Very nice, thank you Draeke.
  5. Vaccine Electronic is actually really nice. After my first time listening to it, I'm impressed!
  6. Well hello! Pretty good, and you? I was looking for some new/interesting releases and remembered Psynews. The review section here has always been full of great reviews. And since I'm here, I'll also check the General Psytrance and Other electronica. If I remember correctly there used to be a Downtempo section? or did I mix something up ...
  7. You guys have some impressive collections! I'm using an ikea Billy, tha small wide one, and it looks quite nice.
  8. Solar Fields - Lift off (from the album: Random Friday)
  9. thanks for all the suggestions, guys! I'll be sure to check out bandcamp and other links. I also found out psyshop and beatspace have "downtempo" categories. So, I'll browse those.
  10. Hey guys, I didn't really pay attention to what's happening in the ambient genre for the past year. Recently, I tried looking for some new stuff. Well, my usual way of going to Saikosounds and checking out the downtempo section didn't work. It turns out, there is no more saikosounds. That sucks big time, that was my favorite shop for downtempo and the long samples were great. My question: what are some nice releases from this year (or if there's something really great from 2012 )? And also.. where do you look for ambient releases now and where do you order from? From this year, I only have Boards of Canada's album.. and thats it Thanks!
  11. it's out already?! god, where have I been to not know this
  12. if you click his username, there are only answers. like here http://www.reddit.com/user/ShpongleMusic
  13. a Dark TIme would be great to have. I also considered the Midipal. However, because of the lack of money a knobby midi controller and a vst sequencer will have to do. Before that, I used a selfmade puredata patch and later found out, that it lags on windows Usually when I use such a sequencer, no music is made. It's just so much fun to play with it.
  14. If I'm not mistaken, mda JX10 vst has a similar sounding patch called rubber bass. http://mda.smartelectronix.com/synths.htm
  15. Has it really sold out in a month? Does anyone have a copy I could buy?
  16. Well he's hardly pronouncing any words - might as well be an instrument As far as the comparison with YB, I find it completely different. It might sound similar, but the role it plays in the song is different. Like I said, I hear the voice in Ott's songs more like an instrument,while YB's songs just center around Ruu's voice and the Lyrics. For me: Ott - yes, YB - no/kinda
  17. Does Scooter count? After that some Paul van Dyk mixes. And ... Oakenfold's Voyage Into Trance. Only at that time I didn't know it was goa, just regular trance. It took me a few years to find goa
  18. This one is actually so messed up, i really try *not* to like it!
  19. Hello guys! Today I kinda stumbled on Ololiuqui's sound and I find it really special. I really like the album Dito and I was wondering if there are any artists/albums with similar sound to this. What would you recommend? http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=a71mHOX5Pi8 http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGj3tSHDWfc&fmt=18
  20. msn and skype mostly, sometimes also irc
  21. Great recommendations. Thank you very much!
  22. Happy birthday!
  23. Wow, a psynews radio ;)Great idea! edit: ok, this is what I also wanted to add. If the psynews radio ever get's it's own website (with track titles, links to reviews, etc ...), it would be great to have the option of users adding tracks to the queue. You know, like with the demoscene radios
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