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Everything posted by psytimeofmylife

  1. I hope I'm not going to far offtopic here... but since Phototropic has such nice artists, when can we expect a label party in Austria? :posford:
  2. Hmm, I'll have to check them out. thx And that experimental sound is also very nice .
  3. I actually don't know what it sounds like .
  4. I was split between progressive, suomi and experimental. And since I haven't been listening to progressive for a long time, and I don't actually know any albums by heart that would be called exeprimental, the vote goes for suomi. It's just such a fun (sub)genre!
  5. Before getting banned, please elaborate your posts here.
  6. Great news! The more the merrier.
  7. Try listening to them like a whole, like you listen to concept albums. They're magical!
  8. It's a bit late now, but online tickets should be available at: Hadra, AccesAllAreas. OnlineStall. Afaik the presale tickets will be available till the end of July; and at about that time I'll also find out if I can go or not. Hope yes! I found a nice 20 mins video about Ozora '08 at Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=...oid=47931407273 And the last.fm event . Oh, right! If everything goes well, is there gonna be a psynews meeting? My spaceship is ready for takeoff!
  9. Besides albums that have already been mentioned: Easily Embarrassed - Idyllic Life. Maybe (although it sounds more ambiental to me) Pan Electric - Conscious Pilot.
  10. OOOD - aLive Very nice! Atm listening to Cthullu, before to Cosmic Ripple.
  11. oh damn.. this is -- well too pop-like for me. jesus. I wonder if the masses will like it.. hm.
  12. Thanks for the link, been looking for something like this. I think I'll read it before watching the movie.
  13. Younger brother - last days of gravity
  14. Check this out: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?s=...st&p=924329 afaik, it's not stolen but taken with permission .
  15. Texas Faggott - Kininigin feels really good right now!
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