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Everything posted by psytimeofmylife

  1. I love those videos. Amazing - the people, the music. And the decos: simple and effective. I've been watching these videos for the past week and trying to find as much music from them as possible. It's exactly like you said: raw. And reakin great!
  2. Dear god, he IS real! Great news indeed. I do hope we'll se him at Ozora next year
  3. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA0xsZrLAk8 Encephaloid Disturbance - Fractal Syndrome Yaaay, old but sweet
  4. When I heard it yesterday, I was shocked, Today, I'm hooked. Really nice album
  5. Oh god, is it really out?! :D
  6. I liked that concert and the show! Sure there's a bit too much singing, but they're still a decent pop / rock group. anyway, looks like it got leaked http://www.facebook....150103402571366 twisted never learns
  7. It would be better if you uploaded the images to http://imageshack.us/ or some other similar image hosting website. That way everyone will be able to see them.
  8. The release date is postponed to 15. March.
  9. Only 7 days left! I really wish we'd get some samples. This waiting is killing me!
  10. Ott - Jack's Cheese and Bread Snack (from Blumenkraft) 8.march is coming!
  11. Well, he does have a facebook fan page, with only 30 friends. http://www.facebook....162592420455463 Maybe we could make that number bigger? Write something on his wall, etc.
  12. I'm listening to Gel-Sol's new plunderphonic release - I already liked the one he made before "Gel-Sol's Adventures Beyond the Plunderworld" and this one's more than an hour long! So far it sound nice. http://gel-sol.blogspot.com/2010/12/gel-sol-plunder-raging-moon.html
  13. Hey , thanks! Roger Smith might be it. I also read in an interview, where he said Ott is his name, but that was it. I actually thought he was joking
  14. Miha Kralj http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DatfsiHDJI0 Synthy <3
  15. A bit offtopic, but what's Ott's full name? In all the years I listen to his music, I never found it.
  16. I actually really like Skylon. The sound is similar to Blumenkraft. What I like is, that Skylon is more easygoing, more chilled. I guess this is what bothers others.
  17. Wow, really great news! I wonder what this will be like? The artwork sure is a bit different than usual.
  18. I agree with that! I ordered a few times from them, never had any problems .
  19. Today I discovered Ur Knall, a progressive & psychedelic rock group, but their songs have a lot of other influences (didgeridoo, jawharp..) you can check them out at jamendo: http://www.jamendo.c...artist/ur.knall From their myspace:
  20. Thank you very much. I didn't know there were mainly singles, I'll try to find some of them. And also thanks for the suggestions!
  21. I hope also that he makes a new album np.: Khetzal - Djaningar
  22. Nobody listens to oldschool electro? really? noone?
  23. I think we should somehow spread the word about the awesome job Khetzal has done and the need for a new masterpiece. Maybe do a petition of somesort, just to show our support? C'mon, Corolle is something special - and I'd like more of it!
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