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Everything posted by psytimeofmylife

  1. ...hm Damn, and I really wanted to get a big order from them (mainly because of the big taxes I have to pay when receiving a parcel saikosounds).
  2. Not many as I see on saikosounds. Younger brother, 1200 micrograms, Antix... and that's it, no more vinyl Or am I just missing it?
  3. So, how is Psyshop when there are problems with your parcel? Do they have an online tracking service? What about the customer support when CDs are lost/wrongly send? Thanks!
  4. saikosounds samples of Igor Swamp's album... till now, very nice stuff:)
  5. Organismic ~ Jews Harp (@psyradio.fm)
  6. Asura - The Battle of Devas :posford:
  7. For now, just Various - Twist Dreams.
  8. Thank you so much for your suggestions. I checked most of the albums and decided to buy: Flooting Grooves - Upsyde Downe [man, this sounds really nice! are there any more CDs like this one? ] Sync24 secede - vega libre younger brother- last days of gravity About Krusseldorf - Smokers Lounge, I'm not completely sure whether to buy it or not. I will have to give it another listen some other time. Now the only thing missing... is money . Thx!
  9. Which downtempo psy/psybient that can still be bought is the best? Thx
  10. Catchy! The kick maybe bothers me a bit, but I've only listened to half of the song. Will give it another listen later on.
  11. hm.. strange. If I choose 'Allow for psynews.org' on adblock no ads are shown. However if I disable adblock they are shown. Strange :S
  12. I use adblock in firefox, os until now I didn't really notice them. But the ads look nice, cute blue color. And if it helps financing the server I'll disable adblock .
  13. Great album! It leaves me breathless every time I listen too it. Just pure gold for my soul
  14. Kula Shaker - Tattva lovely song
  15. I'm loving it! The whole CD Though I have to listen to it a bit more, before I start judging the tracks, like you guys
  16. Cheers! Man, you're speedy, I didn't even notice .
  17. This one rules them all! Look at the expressions on their faces , priceless!
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