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Everything posted by cray3

  1. Hi..i am also planning to go this time...i am from mumbai..where are you based in india?
  2. cray3


    Two movies which made me loose my sleep for many days are Ringu Exorcism of Emily Rose ... i have stayed away from horror movies for nearly 2 years..maybe i will break this trend and watch this one.
  3. Yay ... good news...still enjoying Planisphere ( part one ) from your new ep.
  4. IMO silent disco's wont work and those silent discos are aimed at club goers and not raves.. last week couple of parties started as early as 3 in the noon and ended by 10 pm..i guess this is far better than silent disco also i guess this Offtopic and this thread will be closed soon :wank:
  5. i am going there next week...although only for a short period...contrary to reports, there are lotsa artists this year and is quiet full of parties .. all you have to do is stay with the crowd and follow the crowd .. :posford:
  6. Thanks mate ... awesome set
  7. Excellent review dude..never laughed so much reading a review.
  8. Requiem for a Dream OST - Clint Mansell
  9. Warp technique - Make animals happy
  10. Dali are you serious? is this a funny question or something real?
  11. My partner isnt into psychedelic music at all..but he loves rock..so got him Guns N Roses - Chinese Democracry
  12. Rock Bitch mafia - Green nuns of the revolution skazi - animal
  13. Wasabi is my fav tune .. A remix of Wasabi track can be found on http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/puh/puh1cd001.html :posford:
  14. Para Halu simply stands out from the rest of the dark psy crowd coz they arent afraid to experiment...this album is one of my favourite this year..Methedrine wave and cybertalp are classics.
  15. Hi friends Our inhouse buddy is ready with another lengthy twilight set for you to keep stomping. Dont forget to catch the action at these following timings : Mumbai (India - Maharashtra) Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 9:00:00 PM UTC+5:30 hours Atlanta (U.S.A. - Georgia) Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 10:30:00 AM UTC-5 hours EST Corresponding UTC (GMT) Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 15:30:00 Psytrance : http://schizoid.in/schizoid-psy.pls Chillout / Ambient : http://schizoid.in/schizoid-chill.pls Progressive trance : http://schizoid.in/schizoid-prog.pls Cheers :posford:
  16. pan electric & ishq - about time got a promo copy :posford: excellent one .
  17. Vortex - Carbon Based Lifeforms ( World of Sleepers ) Endospore - CBL and every other track from their 2 albums..i consider both their albums to be cut above the rest .
  18. Safi played some of his new stuff here in mumbai couple of weeks back and i must say " stay away from this shit music " while i slept on the dance floor, some of my buddies puked and suffered chronic heart illness ... everything came to an end when talamasca took over the stage.. safi connection's recent music is horrible shit.
  19. I run radio schizoid ( www.schizoid.in ) i dont know if the music selection suits your taste.
  20. I prefer PVD's latest stuff than Armin's vocal stuff http://www.discogs.com/release/1451544 - Paul Van Dyk - Hands on in between
  21. Come to Anjuna Flee Market in Goa this season, you can find almost most of the psytance releases sold for 1 or 2 US dollars..all pirated stuff ..way to go Just kidding. I bought Astral Projection- Trust in trance original cd from a commercial cd store couple of months ago..i dont know how it ended up there..but i was lucky..also goa gill stuff is everywhere...and if lucky you could find some ultimae releases ( very limited copies ) from large cd store near by. Pirated goa trance cd's sell like hot cakes in the anjuna & chapora flee markets during season time..many of you here would banish me for saying this..but the truth is these cheap pirated cd's are the one's that got me hooked to this music and for many more...but these days i stick with originals.
  22. VA - Ease division 3 Except for couple of fillers, this compilation is my fav these days..
  23. Loscil - Plume Pure ambient..pure bliss
  24. I think there are better full on albums released this yr ... Not a bad album..good dance floor music but then i dont wanna listen it again and again... Digicult, Insomnia , Burn in Noise were better IMO.. taste differs
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