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Everything posted by pixiejanet

  1. Yorkshire is Gods country you know! its very very lovely.... i`ve not even scratched the surface yet!!
  2. aww thanks:) i just love snappin away:) Nope, not been on a course. i want to go on one tho, as theres so much i dont know....until then i`ll keep snappin:)
  3. i have a bit of a thing about knaresborough... this is why:) This is the castle ruins where the pics were taken from or part of anyway!!
  4. just 15 min walk from my house too! thanks Billy:) x
  5. aww, pleased you like, makes me want to post more pretty pics now i have sussed out what size, how to resize. and all the gubbins about weather and sun and stuff! think college may be next step:)
  6. i have a love for trees:)
  7. the boating pond...valley gardens
  8. hmm, psytones..he reminded me of someone else!

  9. Poor psytones. He was crazy.

  10. aww, thank you kind sir!!
  11. not had camera long...enjoying snapping away, here are some of my faves to date! i`ll need a better camera soon! kaboom! fireworks on the stray... sunshine& shade in valley gardens.. Sunrise south Harrogate Hookey Woods Moo!
  12. I love this work in progress, i can`t wait for the end result.!... i wanted it to go on for ever and ever....but thats just where my head is right now:) x
  13. i have listened to it ,, its lovely.
  14. DJ Vlado/Ave Summa That OOo trance-tastic!!!
  15. Jan-Erik, not Jan-Eric <_< .. lol :D btw. your english, have you noticed that if you say my name fast, it sounds like Generic ;)

  16. Ok, so my name is Jan-Erik, but still it contains Jan which is a MAN's name arround these parts. Symp said sweet lady, not you. :D

  17. my name is jan, do not call me sweet lady!!! lol

  18. Hey jan :) how are you, sweet lady xoxo

  19. Glad you're feelin' better. :) Been shrooming yet?

  20. Hey PJ. How's tricks?

  21. hello!! to you too :)

  22. Dreadzone/Zion Youth live
  23. Started with Eskimo? keh? oh! you mean the copy-cats!! Well, shows what a talent and influence that young lad has then doesnt it... I like Balloonatic, it makes me dance and spin and laugh, without drugs!! Personally there`s too much snobbiness in trance now, not allowed to like the euphoric stuff, its got to be dark ,twisted and undanceable for all those closet geeks that cant dance.............and those on ketamine. just my opinion...
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