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Everything posted by Nurbs

  1. Its a classic east Mediterranean traditional folk music instrument, not hippie at all
  2. Are you sure ?
  3. Nice idea suntrip. Now what i would like to see in that booklet? Lots of pics from old parties, maybe parts from interviews from pioneers of goa trance and you,suntrip guys, history of goa trance with pics and few words about, lots of weird psychedelic cartoon figures that they look like they telling you all that story -booklet and they appear in some pics also .Now i would like to see all that in illustrated paper with fluo colors and high resolution pics and all 24 pages when you open them they must form something like a Jheronimus Bosch painting with a psychedelic touch. I m asking a lot ??
  4. Bonobo - Dial m for monkey/cd
  5. Double bass Sitar Flute Outi Piano
  6. And it will be blasphemy not to mention Cosma(Avihen Livne) RIP
  7. Was just checking and listening some old cds and i felt melancholic when i realize that some of them aren't producing any more . Mine are : Zerotonine Double Dragon Fabel Noma BOTFB What about you ?
  8. kox box - major problem in australia
  9. Fantastic work Billy . I see that you move to the 3d objects and its great. For a reason i think you should try lighting design or sculpturing.
  10. or kidnap them, put them in a castle full of high tech sound equipment and make them collaborate
  11. Last release from them was ''Abracadabra'' on Candyflip records in 2004. Since then nothing new from them, anybody knows something?
  12. Zerotonine(Daniel Mondry) and Tim Schultz Bilbo Bagginz and Tim Schultz
  13. Live acts?? Maybe you are talking about ''live'' acts cause as far as i remember in the the before laptop's ''century'' things were different Ya, most of the times i can tell the different between mp3 and wma . Bananas and cucumbers of my ears many years now but thanks for the tip :wank: Got right about bad users but it still sucks when something like that happens. Big label party and they bring only one laptop with them and it fails, wtf ??
  14. Laptop spinners??? You know that i ve been to 2 parties this year that the act finish earlier or stop in the middle cause of a laptop failure?? Wanna know the artists?? Aes Dana in athens, cause of this failure never listen to his set and detritus ''live'' in athens . So there is space for some dissing i think, eh??
  15. yes but i mean or , or
  16. hehe, or i mean
  17. A dj that spins mp3 doesn't respect the audience nor his self.
  18. i ve listen only the samples and the track they have on their ''my space'' and i find it really interesting. More close to their Fiord style but still antix. I believe in the Strom bros, i like their style a lot. I listen to them live last summer and they kick ass
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