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Everything posted by Nurbs

  1. I really wanna know what the hell they have in their minds while they take those kind of pics....!?
  2. Nurbs


    Really nice Abasio
  3. Hope you are not ''cooking'' the results
  4. Solar Fields - Detection (partially detected)
  5. Cell new album, hopefully during the beginning of this summer. Some new tunes available in http://www.myspace.com/alexscheffer
  6. Tribal Vision and Iboga released some good progress. tunes. Think Different by Echoes records and Triac cd was quite good also. 2006 was not a full on year for me, mostly ambient-downtempo, idm.... , so i had no fav. releases.
  7. adham shaikh - sanadub.g-string mix
  8. moonbeam... those guys have a really good style. Both latest released vinyls were awesome
  9. h.u.v.a network - indigo room
  10. High Tone meets Improvisators Dub
  11. it will be a nice teaser for his upcoming release
  12. Flint Glass - Nyarlathotep
  13. Entheogenic - Spontaneous Illumination
  14. Studding and working for me means computer work so mostly ambient, downtempo or idm cause this kind of music help stay focus. Psytrance or similar tunes, no. Some favourite labels > ultimae rec. , Merck rec. and Sending orbs releases .
  15. Antix, good music . Any samples available ? Nice cover
  16. Helios - shoulder to hand
  17. Ela captain when the contest closes!? I know that i m a winner, already.....
  18. Trunksan dont come back without pics or video
  19. Have fun guys , wish i was able to come .
  20. Proem - shelter is a tree
  21. I like variation so i listen almost everything that sounds nice .
  22. Schlabbaduerst v.6
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