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  1. Hey, cool track man. I like it. I do think that maybe you could add some more percussion elements and I think you should bring the kick drum up slightly in the mix. A little more variety in your arrangement would be nice as well. Awesome effort. I would love to hear some more tracks and love to know what gear you are using as well. Nice work!
  2. Haha, that is cool. I do random moods with my stuff. Anyways, thanks for taking the time to listen. I welcome anyone else's opinion.
  3. Thanks buddy I would love the hear some more opinions so please take a listen and leave one. Thanks.
  4. This is pretty cool man. I love some of the synth programming. I do think the drums lacked energy, but this is a very unique sound. You definitley have a cool style. I would love to hear more stuff if you have it.
  5. I think I a going to have to agree with these two. This does get boring pretty fast. It sounds cool to start off with but this need some more dynamics and better arrangement. It's a decent effort but I think you can work a lot harder to make this more interesting.
  6. I just finished a new song and would love for some of you to check it out and critique it. I by no means claim to write psytrance or any type of trance. I just write trance, but check it out and let me know what you think about it. I look forward to hearing your comments! Here is the link.... http://www.myspace.com/esoness The new song is SuperDuper. It should play automatically when you open the page. BTW, it's a stream and the quality is not great to please take that into consideration. Thanks!
  7. For the longest time my bass sound was the thing that frustrated me more than anything. I just couldn't seem to get the sound I wanted and it was really pissing me off. Then I got the NI Komplete bundle and found the oh so lovely Pro-53. It took me a bit to get things just right, but man it sounds so good now. Now the bass is the best part of my tracks. I highly suggest any NI software and the Pro-53. Great sounding stuff. Also, it would really help to read up on subtractive synthesis. You don't have to be a genius when it comes to it, but to understand the principles of it will make a huge difference in your capabilities to create great sounding bass right from your synth. EQ and compression definitely help, but the sound itself is by far the most important element and understanding why and how to create it will save you a lot of time and a lot of frustration.
  8. No offense but that is a pretty shitty attitude.
  9. I think you need a different kick. It's a bit too soft in my opinion and lacks a hard thump in the lower end of the frequency range. I do like the kick, but I think if you want more energy something with more of a mid range snap and low end thump would help. Nice snare sample too. I love natural acoustic sounding snares.
  10. Do you have a link for the track?
  11. http://www.hollowsun.com This site is AWESOME!
  12. Good effort here. This is definitely decent. I think your drum programming could be a little deeper with a bit more variety, but it gets the job done. Some of the synth programming is very cool. Keep up the hard work!
  13. You could do it but it definitely would not do what you would hope for it. Like said earlier, you would have to be able to have access to each individual track to really make a big impact.
  14. I just started messing with Abletons Live 4.0 and I love it. It is so easy to write with it's insane. Plus it supports VST and Audio Unit plugs. Seriously, it's amazing how condusive it is to writing quickly. I highly suggest it.
  15. I just listened and it's a good effort. Some of the synth lines are pretty cool. I do think you need to work on the mix and add some compression (or at least more of it) would be a good idea. The bass could be bigger and a bit more upfront in the mix and kick drum could probably come down a little, but that of course is just my opinion. Anyways, nice work. Keep up the hard work. BTW, what are you using?
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