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About AmithabaBuddha

  • Birthday 05/18/1984

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    Goa , Goa and more Goa.<br />No you´ll not find Full on here.

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  1. well rain i sincerly hope youll be there on my belgiums live act i also wanna meet you.
  2. When the Gods decide it its up to the Gods...
  3. I will be released in upcoming suntrip records compilation togheter with some classic well known new skool goa artists from the new skool scene. just wait and see... Search me as Lost Buddha . Filipe.
  4. great album Rain!!
  5. best Nitzhonot producer is Cyan. And best album by Cyan is Transmissions. There´s also Beast of the East which is cheezy but it sure makes me go mad!
  6. maybe , i contacted them and they dont want new goa... I also dont know what they get by re-mastering old classics..
  7. i hope you´re right Seraph , Asia 2001 was good ... ...dont know if he still is. lets wait and see what he haves to offer to the gods.
  8. Hi Jon im very grateful you rewiewed this extract from the full song , if i am evolving is thanks to the people at this forum and specially with your great advices and amazing rewiews you make. im very sorry i didnt posted the full song , im still waiting for answers by some labels. I´m currently working for 2 labels atm , Suntrip and Kagdilla. Im sure they will release me very soon somewhere out of this planet I started this song last week , just finished it on sunday. This was my latest. Yes my work is changing and improving even more and more , thats why this song is called "metamorphosis". About the name , yes im glad at least you like it . it was my first name and i took it again cause it simply haves a special meaning to me since i started my goa adventure under this name and i plan it to keep it that way. Its funny the way you interpret my artist name , afterall goa is about your inner consciousness and imagination and each people interprets the stuff anyway they like. But here´s my interpretation. The Lost Buddha meaning haves to do with the people that doesnt know whats goa , so in my point of view they´re "lost" since its Pagan people we´re talking about , they dont know whats our feelings , toughts , and the real psychedelic spirit that we have , so im here to help them find the way and "preach" the real word that is Goa , cause in that way i will help to find them in they spirits and minds. But the Lost Buddha isnt only limited in that meaning. Also its an history of a Buddha that seeked for the real Knowledge and in that way he got trapped in a Stargate . In that way he will explore new worlds , new beeings , stuff that will proof a real Buddha , find the knowledge and find the way back home. There is much to storytell thank you so much for your support , im sure i wont disapoint the old and wise goa people cause thats us im talking about. Filipe.
  9. i know him he is very talented , i love his stuff , im glad he was finnaly released somewhere , congrats!!
  10. Hello again , this time i have the pleasure to annouce i have finished this track and i invite everyone to comment/rewiew it (Rain , Seraph , Jon , its your turn now guys ) im sorry this is just an extract , i still have to show this to some labels and im also waiting for answer from some too. And yes everyone who wants to find me now search me for Lost Buddha i got tired of names and sticked to my old one (and i plan to be at it). Cheers and thank you so much for your support. Filipe. Lost Buddha - Metamorphosis (extract)
  11. i told you it was killler dont i?
  12. texas faggot dudes are so crazy , so funny this interview!
  13. simple and commercial
  14. Cinos Hypnorythm is far from mediocre.
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