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Psychoactive Synth

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  1. Is that your setup? What about a kaoss pad?
  2. Well, I went with the Denons for versatility. And I got a Mixer with 7 effects + vocoder. It has kill buttons for bass mid and treble, so when you really dont wanna fade em just click the button. Already got offered a small town radio show . Thanks for everyones help. Glad to see people helping noobs in the field.
  3. I still dont see how the Pioneer outweighs the Denons. Is the quality better? Better sound? The denons have more effects. plus they have brake and reverse fuctions. Every where I turn to people say get teh Pioneers, but why?
  4. Well, I would like to "mainly" spin psy trance, But I would like the scratch feature because I live in a fairly small town, and most people dont even like any sort of EDM. In order to get my name out at all I will have to bow down to society and play some things I would rather not AKA, rap/ hip-hop. I had no intenetions on scratching to psy, but I bet it can be done. So, all agree that the quality of the pioneer CDJ-100 is superior to the Denon S1000's? I want to do way more than just "mix" I want to add a shit ton of effects and pretty much recreate what the origional artist did. Plus I have converted to CD for the fact I cn now play my own produced stuff without getting vinyl pressed . minus the scratch feature, Does the pioneers have more functions/effects?
  5. I checked those as well. Do they have any scratch functions? What do they have over the Denons?
  6. I have recently just converted to CD turntables, but have not ordered any yet. I already have a mixer planned out. I need some good opinions on what CD turntables to order that would go best with psytrance style music. So far, I have concluded to get the Denon S1000's. My budet is 400$ a piece. Anywho, thanks for the help ahead of time.
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