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Everything posted by SiENiS

  1. Ohh and i wanna say to Damion, if you´re reading this: HANG IN THERE BUDDY! .... i´ll be waiting for your comeback ;D the downs can only exist if there is UP! and that´s where we´re going!!! the melodies will come back TONZofLOVE!!!!
  2. HEHhehheh the choice of BPM is a matter of gravity 155 is about how long it takes to jump/dance happily between the kickdrums... but that´s again by my own standards... if it´s gonna be partystyle, it´s nice n bouncy at around 150+ BPM imo then again this short girl in sweden kept complaining that the music was awesome but the BPM was too high... and i´m around 187cm HEY let´s not get into physics ;D HEHEHehhehe but i do understand for sure when you´re used to a certain BPM that´s around 145 then 155 automatically makes it sound really fast... and if you make music daily mainly around 155 then you get speedblind like me.... it´s nice to experiment with this because if you play my album first at 10 BPM faster then at the original tempo you´ll see what i mean.. actually it reminds me of a nice experience i had with incense + bed + 'KoxBox - Dragon Tails' album playing at chillout tempo... W0W ;D try it if you got that CD or whatever pirates have "ARRRRRRRRR MATEY!!!" <--- pirate ninja?
  3. i feel it´s more of a statement.. i mean for sure he´s right... most released stuff is pure souless moneymakers but the reason it´s being released is cause it´s quite easylistening.. and because the less easier listening musick doesn´t sell too much, the labels get scared and release what sells.. so i guess the only longterm solution is to pay for the stuff you like... noticed it does sound more like a promotion for you to buy mine.... wasn´t my intention even tho i won´t say no if you wanna send me a shitload of cash for my future dream-cottage-studio in the deep woods or for my dream of some day buying the Eventide H3000 ;D it was worth a shot... greater marvels have occupied our times :DDDDD
  4. yeah it can do that to people ;D in my opinion it´s quite normal still concidering what goes on in my head HEHHEhehehhe I oppose to the idea of "normalization" anywhere else than in a sequenser! WE..... are...... NOT NORMAL! :clapping: .... (<----it actually looks like the yellow dude is saying just that... "NOT NORMAL!") so why should the music try to be "normal" ? we need to wave our arms of inspiration in all directions to get a feel for the insanity around us that we call normal... make some friggin elbowroom for your energy!!! :posford: either way i hope the best for all of you... stay true to your dreams and don´t let other people tell you what´s right or wrong.. there is no such thing... thank you for giving the music time to digest TONZofLOVE! :
  5. HEHhehe nice i tried to make sure the cover was as topnotch as the music.. but of course this is from my perspective ;D it certainly makes me happy and i hope it will do the same for you! <3 :drama:
  6. here´s the more hifi version of the cover... creds to Rolando Cyril for letting me use his creations !! it deserves to be seen at it´s best now go download my album, cause it rawks!! =D HEHEHHEHehhehehhe (let it grow on u like a fungus... ) and if you dig it all the way trough.... buy it the rest of the art on there is just as amazing... TONZofLOVE
  7. ok, i´m not going to waste your time so here you go: ---> Click Here To Listen <--- let the musick speak for itself.... but remember to fasten your Beatselt TELL YOUR FRIENDS and dont forget to feed the fish!
  8. ok, i´m not going to waste your time so here you go: ----> http://myspace.com/hightechnologylowlife <---- let the musick speak for itself.... but remember to fasten your Beatselt TELL YOUR FRIENDS and dont forget to feed the fish!
  9. first off, screw genres!! ) HEHehhehe and about the mixing, i specifically requested a non-typical sound to the mastering as i´m more into the chunky heavy basslines... this was done by my friend Gary Golbraich who imo did i GREAT job with the material he had also, there are definately not many homestereo systems that are anywhere close to playing the music flat....... the EQ setting might be on "FLAT" but that only means the EQ is set to not boost or dampen anything in the spectrum.. it does not mean your speakers´s frequency response is accurate... :drama: anywho.... TONZofLOVE for ya´ll !!!
  10. just checked the arabesque distribution website and it says that it´ll be out in stores around 27th April... but don´t worry!, it´s like Carlsberg ;D "worth waiting for" HEHehehheh WOOOHOOOOO!!!!
  11. thanxx :D can´t wait for it to be released!!! GI'IWA KIXXX COHONESSS!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you Azz + Reece + Peta!!!!
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