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  1. 1997 was greatest year ever! - Juno Reactor - Bible of Dreams - Hallucinogen - The lone Deranger <--- (can you really forgot this, shame on you!) - Eat Static - Science Of The Gods
  2. Carbon Based Lifeforms (whole production!), Asura, Sync24, thats what I like!
  3. Mord Fustang - Drivel preview!
  4. https://soundcloud.com/mordfustang/mord-fustang-drivel How about great retro sounds? I like this, feels like fine oldskool 8bit
  5. And thease windmills are against every human or animal natural wellbeing, just becouse this INFRASOUND noise! And fuckers who build these, are "not aware" fact that windfuckers produce only 1-2% of power we need, electricity we use is 98% produced by our own nuclear or conventional power plants or bought from Russian nuclear plants!!!!!!
  6. I don't know about your stress levels my fellows, but the stress I can't currently cant't handle is new windmills build by everywhere in area I live! They build thease peace of shit everywhere! And this INFRASOUND NOISE is just annoying and if you can hear it (below 20 Hz) it is like LIVING IN THE HELL! I can hear It, an i can't properly sleep, and i have no power to change things, so i just rant about it here! FUCK THE WINDMILLS AND SUPPORTERS DIE IN PAIN!
  7. Kävin tilaamassa kohtuullisen kokoisen kasan levyjä tuolta, laatumusaa oli paitsi tuosta BOA soundista en tiä Kiitoksia!
  8. Do you have homebrewn system to archive and listen your CD:s? Do you listen your music directly from CD? I personally like to BUY my music in CD -format and archive with FLAC -lossless, only way I can enjoy fully my collection
  9. I'm looking for something like this: (Death Wish 3 C64 Kutikula remix) Commando remix with attitude would be nice. Instant Remedy version is close, but i think this could be made with less cheesy touch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybduGeJXvsQ I have searched remix.kwed.org and scene.org but can't find anything like "Kutikula" remix..
  10. Antiscarp Records all releases:http://cid-7ae008a32f8420c1.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/.Public
  11. Well, skipped most of new stuff in 2012.. And 2011.. Maybe since 2010... Here is my vote for best CDs of the year: Uptempo 1: Kindzadza - Nano Ninja (Osom Music) 2: Crossing Mind - The Inner Shift (Suntrip Records) 3. Luomuhappo - Pallit Ja Sielu (Freakdance Records) Downtempo 1. E-Mantra - Silence (Altar Records) 2: Sync24 - Comfortable Void (Ultimae Records)
  12. Bumping up this topic. Tuula-Anneli Rantanen - Miksi kuljen -just like lightning strike in your heart if you are from Finland..
  13. Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight Returns is good reading too, if you like batman comics!
  14. F*ck this sh*t. I like every Younger Brother releases, but not this. New project name for this record should be like: Simon Coldplay Project.
  15. Preacher, Hellblazer #41-133, Punisher MAX, Crossed, The Boys.
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