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Everything posted by frosty
I uploaded a few tunes that i have been making over the last fews months. Dont really have the time right now to finish them properly. check them out and tell me what you think http://www.soundclou...m/digitalsidefx
Good setup for a beginner?
frosty replied to Walkabout's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
price wise they are. a $500 pair of headphones are going to be better than a $500 pair of monitors especially if your monitoring in a room with bad acoustics. -
Good setup for a beginner?
frosty replied to Walkabout's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
sounds like u have some idea of whats going on if u all ready if u have 2 synth?!?!?!?! anyways choose a DAW. if your on a mac id suggest logic or cubase or ablton (personal for me using a mac i use cubase although most on mac use logic). At the end of the day i think i comes down to which one u learn first and feel at home with. the other thing id like to say is that a good pair of headphones are a good option because:- more bang for your buck, dont annoy anyone else in ur house, dont have to worrie about acoustics in ur room, and many people today only hear music on there ipod or radio. however a good pair of monitors are always good to wrk with and if u have the right environment for them, then go with a nice pair. buying one 1000 mic is better than buying ten 100 dollar mics. I thinks its the same with pre-amps, monitors, etc -
killer tunes there. remix of faithless is awsome.
maybe there trying something different. we are so used to the kick being in the centre that when it isn't we freak out. listen to albums from the 60's & 70's when they started to experiment with stereo. vocals one side guitar the other, other people have purposely pushed digital recording so they distorted. it all depends on what the individual wants to experiment with.
IM - Smashing The Opponent Remix Files
frosty posted a topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
im just wondering if anyone has the remix files for infected mushrooms - smashing the opponent could i please get them off u?? im doing a 1500 word analysis of the track uni & would like these files so i can try & understand more about the track. thanks -
My first track. Please be gentle :)
frosty replied to Clusterbuster's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
mix requires a few things. - the first is to have a good space/room/studio to mix in. this is very important because if your space has to much reverb in it you will add to much reverb to ur mix & if there is no-reverb in ur space u wont add enough reverb (this may sound weird & around the wrong way but it is true) - also any frequency that are reinforced in your space, you will turn down in ur mix. - different instruments have different dynamic range. Here is a diagram showing the different ranges of different instruments. by cutting all unwanted frequencies on certain instruments you free up more room for other instruments to sit in. kinda like cleaning ur room. you can always fit more in when its clean & everything has a place to sit. (bit of a bad example) - you should mix at 86dB SPL (tested by playing pink noise through your DAW at - 20 RMS & using a sound meter to achieve 86dB). the reason for this is because when mixing at low dB a low frequency tone will have to be turned up louder in order to be perceived at the same volume as a higher frequency tone. mixing at 86dB will cause the least amount of difference in perceived volumes of when the song is played back at different levels. More Here - i tend to bounce all tracks out & re-open them into a new project so that all i have i audio files of each track. i do this because if u are running a lot of plugin & vst's in ur song ur computer can start to freak out with all the memory ur using. putting it all into a new project as audio files will free up a lot more memory & allow you to add more VSTs if u like. after this i usually add a high & low pass filter to all the tracks that i think needs them. this creates more frequency space for the other tracks. next i boost or cut small amounts of frequencies. then i move onto the levels of each track & get that right. bounce the track out. - listen to the track on different sound systems taking note of how it sound. go back & fix these parts up. also leave the song for a few days so u are listening with fresh ears. -
My first track. Please be gentle :)
frosty replied to Clusterbuster's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
work on your mixing. i can hardly hear the kick. EQ all your channels so that everything has room in the frequency range to sit with out interfering to much with other sounds. it will make it sound cleaner. good work but making it in reason. -
REMIX Files 'Purple Frogz' :)
frosty replied to seamoon's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
thanks heaps for these remix files. i have done a remix of purple juice. i love the original. -
What is the key of psybient music?
frosty replied to Luminon's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
i dont think they stick to any particular scale. have a look here for some idea http://www.trancetutorial.com/Scales%20Page%201.htm -
id just like to add if your going to get some master done on your track leave -3db of head room, (your master fader level should not go above -3db) this will leave room for the master engineer to add plugins to your mix without clipping.
i am doing an assignment on infected mushroom & am trying to find out what software they use to play live?
After using cubase for many years I am now trying to learn pro-tools. I could not work out why in pro-tools when i moved the fader in the mix window it would not effect the meter next to it. after doing some research i soon discovered why & came across this extract from "pro tools 8. Music Production, Recording, Editing & Mixing" by mike collins. Quote According to Bob Katz, mixing engineers would be better off dispensing with meters altogether & using their ears instead! As he explains "having calibrated monitor gain is just as important as metering peak-to-average ratios. It is possible to mix an entire album "blind", without any metering at all, yet never overloading the digital system! All you need to do is set a sufficiently high monitor gain (e.g 83dB at -20 dBFS RMS). When mixing this way, mix engineers can mix using their ears without the arbitrary constraints or influence of meters. The mixes which result will likely have a better crest factor (peak-to-average ratio) than typical mixes made while watching meters &, later on, in mastering, should produce louder masters with far less sonic compromise"
just want to know if you can side-chain EQ in cubase 5 like you can side-chain compress. i want to be able to cut all frequencies' below say 100 / 120 Hz on the off beat when the bass is playing. just wondering if you can get a midi track to trigger an EQ to do this. i know how to side-chain compress but that is easy thanks to the handy little button they placed in the compressor plug-in.
Which VST do you use for GATE?
frosty replied to Arronax's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
best effects vst. use it all the time. try fabfilter volcano 2 for some good gate effects -
i was hoping to be able to store vst presets & drum sample that i use in battery with-in the project folder. but i think i need to do this as im creating the song.
just wondering how you go about storing songs that you have finished. i want to be able to store the entire project in one folder to be accessed later if i decide i want to make any changes to it. is there any easy way in cubase 5 that you can combine all the samples used in the song into one folder? i have a sound bank on my computer of samples, drums & other things that i have built up over the years that i use often that im always changing so i want to be able to store everything that is associated with that song in one folder for storage.
recently while mucking around with a remix in cubase 5 i used the "groove agent" to make a drum loop. i used a preset that i really liked only to find that the sample for the kick has some really annoying white fuzz noise in it. its noticeable when the track is very minimal (bass & kick) but it really shits me. is there anyway of reducing this fuzz. i really like the kick & dont want to have to use another one.
"Delay Lama" is a free little vst that sounds all right. doesn't have a great deal of control but
Help me to repair my Guitar
frosty replied to arnoldclab's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
static electricity in your body??? should it really matter?? -
sylenth 1 blue massive fm8 absynth gladiator muck around with different vst's n ull find the ones that u like
im making a list of those famous artist who have made cheesy, crappy, shitty, no talent psytrance remixers & are getting payed good money to make & play them. by which i mean SKAZI. still using the same kick & bass from when he made the seek & destroy remix (althought that was a good remix) to brutalise new songs such as satisfaction ESKIMO - What Else Is There. the most lazyest remix of a song ive ever heard. not to mention a totally brutalisation of a great song & a good remix. so please post ur offenders so i can compile my list. thanks
Free Music Produciton tutorial Videos
frosty replied to MarkG's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
thanks heaps for these. when i start wrking again im going to do ur course. just wondering if u ever made the video on how to tune your kick drum to ur bass note?? -
i found this little tutorial video of a fullon bass line & wanted to share it. its part of a online course u can do. CubaseGuru he is using a e-minor scale (t-s-t-t-s-t-t). (t = tone (2 notes up), s = semi-tone (1 note up)) starting with e. Scales are explaned here