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Everything posted by frosty

  1. mate your doing better than me i can't even open vb-1 in live or cubase studio 4. are you using a mac??
  2. cubase is all good but how the hell do you get vb-1 working in it??
  3. there's heaps of video's on you tube
  4. Hypersonic - Access Denied Label: Phonokol Country: Israel Released: Aug 2007 Style: Psy-Trance Tracklisting: 1Suicide 2 Plug & Play 3 Access Denied 4 I Can Feel It 5 Dramatic Combo 6 Day Light 7 Night Life 8 Disco Mania 9 Start Again this is more a mini-review/mention as Ive only just got this cd. Hypersonics 2nd album is final here, but if you like the first you may not like this one. if your into infect mushrooms stuff then you may just like it (if you dont thinks its a complete rip off). this album is in the style of i/m's latest poppie, choppie, hard & chilled. at time's there is a bit of cheese. the only thing similar to the first album is that it still has guitar's in it but they have gone hard/metal sounding. loaded with big builds, vocals and nice basslines this album is worth a listen. 1) Puicide this track starts out nice n poppie building into a hard crankin crazy guitar track. 2) Plug & Play another poppie/hard track with a bit of spanish guitar samples in it (mmmm im going insane?). funkie & poppie parts 3) Access Denied this song is mainly a hard cranking guitar track (with poppie parts). a bit of a cheese in the middle but all round not a bad track 4) I Can Feel it this track is a choppie, poppie, funky, hard track with a fews samples of "i can feel it" 5) Dramatic Combo not much new here on this track still more of the same style of music 6) Day Light a harder track with distorted vocal's. the bag pipe sound reminds me of an very old trance track. 7) Night Life :posford: defiantly my favorite track on this album with some really nice metal guitar in it. hard track with poppie breaks and big builds. 8) Disco Mania this song is more a funky little track that builds into a nice hard section towards the end 9) Start Again yes no surprises this is the last track, slow, rapping, singing style (i/m) love or hate this album have a listen to it. personally i like it.
  5. does any one knoe the name & artist of this track??
  6. heres a reason patch and rns file of a bass sound. hopefuly to give some people ideas that are stuck. enjoy http://download.yousendit.com/8D42B88C2B8840C9
  7. nice work mate! thanks for sharing
  8. sooo.. hm. dear I ask? what about upøoading the abum so that I could take a listen to it? *_*

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  9. frosty


    whats wrong with hypersonic?? that album was realy well done i thought. being 2 years old n all
  10. frosty


    its Hypersonic - The Beginning Of A Story released 2005 on the album freedom
  11. im looking from a program that has a virtual guitar that you can choose the strings & frets on and then it converts it to midi. does anyone know of anything like that?? i tryed converting the notes manual but it took for every and i cant paly the panio so that didn't help.
  12. check it out here just scroll download and youll find the links enjoy
  13. i dont get it. wount u just be panning from left speaker to right?
  14. i want to start to get into djing a bit. being looking into the m-aduio torq. what software do people recomend. ive look at ablton live. that was cool to mix tunes live & cut them up. also had a look at tractor dj. seems very nice and easy. but i found it a bit lazy, what i mean is that i simple open a song press play and its beatmapped and in time with the other song. thats a good thing for me dont get me wrong but i want to learn to beat match songs manualy.
  15. ok so after some research n experimenting i have a bass sound that id thought id share. its a combinator patch. just add some delay, scream or what ever to it to tweak it how you want.BASS PATCH FOR REASON enjoy
  16. not my style of trance but DAM that kick is sharp n punchie. nice work mate
  17. were does this sample come from??
  18. i work solo, tryed to do some tracks with a mate n it didn't realy work out, maybe to many ideas trying to be put down at once.
  19. flatliners dj mix check it out
  20. thats true so thats why i now use cubase studio and rewire reason throught it. the best of both worlds :-) i still love using reason but this has opened up a whole new world of possiblitys
  21. what software, hardware are you using???
  22. flatliners my twistedsession page with some of my tunes up there. also check around on twistedsessions for other cool artists such as ROMAN Y
  23. http://www.spacetribe.com/shop/images/STM006_XL.jpg i love the art work on all of ollies cd's my fav is still RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE Released September 2000.
  24. ok so i have cubase 4 studio and a novation xiosynth. i want to set it up so i can send a midi track to my xiosynth and have it play a sound i made with the xiosynth, then send it back into cubase to be recored. but the midi device setup menu does not include the xiosynth. i can play it on the xiosynth and record it in but i want to use a midi track that ive all ready created. can anybody help me??
  25. The Misted Muppet - Spiritual Visions - Noga Rmx guitar rocks
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