Soooo... I've been thinking of attending again this year. Ignore my old post ;p It's not a confirmed YES but its not impossible to cancel previous plans. I'd just miss 1 of my 5 tournaments this year. I had to look up flights again to and from and there are PERFECT time slots for me out of NYC. Will spend a few days thinking it over. The final ticket phase is gate prices ewww. I'm just thinking how I miss some of you, some of my food vendor friends and others met the last two events that aren't on the forums. We'll see 8) thinking thinking..
IF I go.. TOI DOI and S>Range are a MUST! The two I was hoping could be at the last events. Next interests are Total Eclipse for 'Violent Relaxation' tracks, Dino for Cydonia gems, Protoculture for 'Refraction' tracks (I hope!), Astral P in hopes to play originals and Vibrasphere. A few others like SUN Project again would be fun. Easiest event listing for rest on this edition for my taste.s
to answer some questions..
security - I'm a bit risky but everything stays in my tent except cash in my pocket. Boy oh boy do I love to eat and always need cash on me.
property size/parking/camping - The land is a good size but small compared to big festivals and holds the attendance amount just perfect. Here is the map ZNA used for 2015. It was essentially the same in 2017 and likely will be this year. A small food court down near that icon.. RV parking could be seen if you wondered even just a little past the Chill stage. The bus always entered and left around that spot with the green icon. 2015 we entered on the back of a truck with a cage that drove on the road through camping. They likely will stick to the buses again with a less chaotic bumpy road.