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K-BAN last won the day on October 21 2014

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About K-BAN

  • Birthday 02/06/1986

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    Paintball Player
    GOA psychedelics
    staying happy

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  1. Which guys? Haha 3 very different locations at least have posted in here. Is the party to far from you? Haaa excellent sample I will never forget the look on your face!! Duuude I need to think and get on it fast! Green Nuns was just announced!!! A smaller venue like zna and I could finally meet Dick Trevor face to face with the shirt haha maybe he’d remember me from 10 years ago at the 3 events in a row 😜 i’ll look into planning and see how I feel about it. I would also need a new passport since mine expired 4 years ago im currently on a week off, first week of April also off for when a German friend comes to visit. Things will be tight for me 0_o
  2. Yoooo boyzzz!! Big hugs from me always 😎 I haven’t been up to date and just happened to check ZNA news last night - Doof is finally happening! Staffan and I talked about that 7 years ago when I last attended. Can’t believe that amount of time has passed by already. Not sure if I’m going but I’ll and entertain my mind. Had to miss 2019 event from plans & moving that same month. 2022 I just wasn’t feeling the travel bug, and Im still kinda that way. It was hard to enjoy my Hawaii trip this past August 😜 Anywho- had to pop in here since I cannot believe it. An artist announced since this thread was made that also gets me giddy is Fractal Glider - wow!
  3. I play tournament paintball. pew pew!
  4. Soooo... I've been thinking of attending again this year. Ignore my old post ;p It's not a confirmed YES but its not impossible to cancel previous plans. I'd just miss 1 of my 5 tournaments this year. I had to look up flights again to and from and there are PERFECT time slots for me out of NYC. Will spend a few days thinking it over. The final ticket phase is gate prices ewww. I'm just thinking how I miss some of you, some of my food vendor friends and others met the last two events that aren't on the forums. We'll see 8) thinking thinking.. IF I go.. TOI DOI and S>Range are a MUST! The two I was hoping could be at the last events. Next interests are Total Eclipse for 'Violent Relaxation' tracks, Dino for Cydonia gems, Protoculture for 'Refraction' tracks (I hope!), Astral P in hopes to play originals and Vibrasphere. A few others like SUN Project again would be fun. Easiest event listing for rest on this edition for my taste.s to answer some questions.. security - I'm a bit risky but everything stays in my tent except cash in my pocket. Boy oh boy do I love to eat and always need cash on me. property size/parking/camping - The land is a good size but small compared to big festivals and holds the attendance amount just perfect. Here is the map ZNA used for 2015. It was essentially the same in 2017 and likely will be this year. A small food court down near that icon.. RV parking could be seen if you wondered even just a little past the Chill stage. The bus always entered and left around that spot with the green icon. 2015 we entered on the back of a truck with a cage that drove on the road through camping. They likely will stick to the buses again with a less chaotic bumpy road.
  5. Of ones not mentioned and still in existence - Beatspace ^_-
  6. Glad you are going this year Goa Constrictor! ;D Sadly I can't make it this year unless I cancelled plans (which I cannot). And freakin Toi Doi just got announced. I'm crusheddddd... the only artist I NEED to see out of my wantlist. Everyone enjoy it twice as hard for me haha
  7. felt like making a random stop on the site to say Yooooo! haha! it all looks different.

    1. staffan


      Hey! Ho!

      So ZNA is up, ticket system crashed. I haven't got mine yet. But no worries.

      Will you be there? No, you will be there. Period. ;)

    2. K-BAN


      I wish! I wish! I made plans for this year to be extremely dedicated to paintball. I'm on my friends team this year and we'll have practice two times a week, 6 events + extra ones this year. One is a 5 event series and has one of it's tournaments the weekend during ZNA 8( I got on now since Toi Doi was announced today! It breaks my heart! I'd go just for him haha! Catch his mix and shake his hand for me -_^

  8. This is what I remember when I think Yahel. This track and maybe a few others are what I came across just after my first year into the music around that time.
  9. oh you mean like here at 3:43 ;p
  10. I can confirm Trunksan is a fun wild man to be around haha! And really for the James Monro getting the finger from people?? Was it you? haha! I think I joined his set midway through and then took another break. Just that time of the afternoon where it was good to swim or relax. Poor dude! My experience with the sound is it definitely varied per track or even performer. Some guys on stage had a level sound across their mix. A few times one performance was back and forth with the volumes per track going high, then low and back again. The bass could be overwhelming so I would shuffle around the back line of the dancefloor, sides to middle til I had my clear zone. I think the speaker layout did this as right side (facing the stage) seemed slightly pointed inward dancefloor. Sometimes I had to put one of the dancefloor tree between me and one speaker wall and that was good enough hehe Not sure thinking back who my favorite performance was. MWNN did play the most complete and fan deserving set. All the hits! TIP was solid and Im not too aware of their music actually. Manmademan did ok before the full-on later half. Dado/Transwave played a solid set. Ree.K and Masa for sure had the most unique mixes with their oldies selection. Goat Ranchers/members Draeke, Anoebis and Solitare always have me wondering "which track is that/what version" whenever they play ;p I heard Anoebie from the water - what were your last two tracks? 2nd to last was especially catchy! Not sure what else to say other than it was cool to catch a Syb Unity Nettwerk set to hear 'Sun Invaders' played since I looooove that one! And Miranda just being there was sweeet. Cool you got to hang in the country longer. Once the ZNA bus got me to the airport, Staffan and I hung out til our flights at the same time. First time ever I didnt sleep on a flight or for the entire duration. I landed in NYC and had a shuttle to take to the bus station - waited around for my bus departure back upstate. In total I spent 24hrs to get home and walk through the front door. ;p Thats becoming the typical amount of time now after each overseas trip.
  11. Had fun again at ZNA. Staffan and I partnered up in the airport since the night before the first bus. Swell guy to be with all week. 8) Was also nice to see masen023 kicking around the dance floor often as well as meeting trunksan (you found me!) and Dolmot (by chance) for the first time. IF a '19 edition brings me back - maybe we can make a Psynews meeting/campout bigger and badder than ever ;p This edition was good music overall. Less for me to catch and watchout for on the lineup. More time to relax between sets and nights sleep. Again some artists made bad choices to play modern over retro music. And for me personally, not having Neuromotor make it was a huge letdown. Leg injury someone told me.
  12. still not satified. I've always been curious to see decent psy played. not the modern garb. go back minimum 13+years and play that library.
  13. Total Eclipse is at Connection? Dang. I.NEED.TOTAL ECLIPSE. I'm attending ZNA this year for my 2nd time. Never been to connection. read the comments so will jot down notes in reply... My thoughts is the line-up is what most matters. It's what gets me out of NY and far for the music ;p But if traveling with family then I can see the reasoning being different to choose a proper festival (if those exist haha). Food is never a problem. Bathrooms tend to be the same porta potties. Ozora was the first time for me that has decent stalls. Maybe location of the event matters say for an emergency issue. Yes teams will be on site but that site may be far out there. ZNA is far out there ;p Not sure on Connection. I find it fun to be out all night to the music but I just cant do it as easily anymore so definitely prefer to sleep the night away. Staying up all night and then day makes the week go by slower. And the sweat you build up during the day and night helps to keep you colder even if bundled. Dust - honestly dont remember how it was at ZNA. Its a dry environment so gotta say it was there but it didnt affect me and I can be sensitive to it. Maybe sticking to back of the dancefloor helped. Regardless - where theres hundreds of dancing feet, there will be dust. Unless you're dancing on foam ;p Ive had worse dust issue on indoor parties.
  14. Go for classic darkpsy and not that "other stuff" ;p
  15. (back! sort of.. ;p) I'd be down for that! Got a redbubble shirt last year from Manmademan. A little clothe note inside the package, which had recommended washing conditions for the shirt, literally said on it "dont slap pandas" haha!
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