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Everything posted by shpongled

  1. Not Shpongle... those samples are from Bluetech.
  2. Goody... it looks better now! I'm glad they took Beja Flor out. Can't wait!
  3. No.. the festivus is not over yet. It seems that you are already giving an opinion but it's a bit off topic.
  4. Sounds like bunch of-sounds to me.
  5. Yep... and now it's also at Saikosounds where you can listen 4 minute samples... http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=4482
  6. IMO this is very interesting release. Only heard Psyshops 45 sec samples but I think this guy knows what to do with melodies and has also unique palette of sounds. It's a bit cheesy maybe but I don't care since it's so well made cheese . I'd compare this to Blue Planet Corporation and Jaia. Don't miss this release if you like melodic stufff... http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/thi/thi1cd003.html http://www.torakka.tk/
  7. I listened Triptonite remix and must say it sounded crappy.... bunch of digital farts and clichés.
  8. The bottom line is that everybody download mp3s but you don't talk about it in public forum like this (i mean you can't ask where to download illegally)... that should be common sence.
  9. Beja Flor is actually first Shpongle track that I don't like. It has meny different parts whitch doesn't seem to have any connections... it's like there are meny mini-tracks put together to get one track. I also didn't like that guitar solo in the end... imo it's really tacky and it just wonders meaninglessly around. There were also other things I didn't like too much but I think I already said enough. Anyway I'm sure there is going to be tracks in the new album that I will like... just hope they would have left out Beja Flor.
  10. I filled it even I'm not much interested about psytrance anymore and I have never considered myself as very spiritual person.
  11. Well actually for me it's exactly the opposite... the sound today is a lot worse!! (of course there are few exeptions) 1. People used to use a lot more analog hardware synths back in the day. And analog simply sounds way better! (IMO) 2. Hardware synths are more intuitive to work with than software synths and the result is there for more humanised and free... i.e. not so stiff like todays clinical and 'shiny' production done entirely inside a computer. 3. Today any kid can download professional music software from the net for free and make 'professional' sounding music. In 90-98 you had to have hardware synths and fx-prosessors whitch were not cheap... that means you had to be very dedicated to making music to spend all your hard earned money for gear. And that means psytrance producers used to be generally older and they had some previous experience with some real music instruments... now a days most of the kids start straight away music making with only computers. That's not entirely bad thing because in future there will more and more music makers... and that means more good music... it's just that at the moment we are still not there... when the todays kids grow older and get more experience I bet we are going to hear lot of interesting music. .
  12. Just found this... http://www.avalidpath.com There is a sample from a track Simon did with Alan Parsons (+ Guitars by David Gilmour from Pink Floyd) ....the track sounds pretty much like Shpongle... quite interesting collaboration.
  13. Sorry.. as I already said I couldn't fit every possible artists in the list.
  14. At least in some interview Raja Ram said this is going to be the last one.
  15. . . . Ok maybe this Poll makes more sence now... I asked mars to add 30 more names to the list.... so come on vote away if you haven't already. . . .
  16. So am I (but I have never nagged about them.. I just quit reading those). Now it's bit different since we have this new forum were you can make polls and the topics bounce back up when you answer... or you could even ask Mars to make it stick on the top all the time. You know there used to be "Top Goa" section in this site which people liked and now we could use this forum for that if you could include more than 20 answers to the polls. That way n00bs could read it and not ask milloin times the same questions. You don't ever read/answer to polls? The point is simply to see other peoples favourites. I think polls are interesting (or at least good waste of time ) and practical (for n00bs so they can find quickly good music).
  17. To answer some of your questions.... Anoebis and Seraph... the artists you ask are in this list below... Battle Of The Future Buddhas BLT Blue Planet Corporation Chi-ad Cosmosis Cydonia Dark Soho Deviant Electronics Dimension 5 Elysium Genetic Growling Mad Scientist Hux Flux Joujouka Lumukanda Man With No Name MFG Miranda Oforia Ololiuqui OOOD Orichalcum And The Deviant Orion Planet BEN Power Source Prana Process Shakta Shaolin Wooden Men Shiva Chandra Space Cat Spectral Spiral Active Project Star Sounds Orchestra Sun Project Synchro Tandu Texas Faggott The Muses Rapt Toï Doï Ubar Tmar Union Jack UX Xenomorph Zodiac Youth Yesterday when I made this topic I first quickly collected meny names from reviews section of this site. The list above contains the names I left outside this poll because you can only incluede 20 answer in it. If somebody else would have made this poll it would look different... isn't that quite obvious? You know.. I can't read peoples mind... Lemmiwinks... I included IM because it's big name and I don't know what category they should be in... prog? minimal? full-on? tech? horror? No.. they simply have made at least two classic psytrance albums that people seem to love. I don't know much about Rip Van Hippy but I thought it would be fair to give one spot for "wierdo trance"... you know aussie/finn style wackyness? So I came up Rip since I don't know much about that categoty... maybe there could have been Texas Faggott instead since they have released their first album propably somewhere around 96. Quirk are simply classic... I was surprised now that I checked that they released their first album only 98... I remembered it was much earlier... maybe they have some stuff on compilations before 98? Hmm.. dunno. The Delta and Jupiter 8000 are there only to show what other projects the artists have. I will take them out if I can still edit the poll.
  18. Eclipse - A Journey Of Permanence & Impermanence could (actually should) be in the list.
  19. Unfortunately you can put only 20 options in the poll system on this messageboard (edit: now it have been changed to 50 thanks to Mars) so it was impossible to incluede all the "big name" psy artists. (Mars.. can you change it?) Anyway... who is your favourite out of these 50?
  20. No doubt Twisted or The Lone Deranger.... this time I choose the second one. Best psy-artist poll would be also interesting... shame you can only put 20 answers per poll. Mars could you change that to 50 or something? Hmm.. I think I'm gonna do it anyway.
  21. . Trance only (no compilations): Hallucinogen - The Lone Deranger Hallucinogen - Twisted Juno Reactor - Bible Of Dreams Koxbox - Forever After The Infinity Project - Feeling Weird Chill (no compilations): Shpongle - Are You Shpongled? Yes I am!!! Ott - Blumenkraft Celtic Cross - Hicksville The Infinity Project - Mystical Experiences Deviant Electronics - Blunt Instruments .
  22. In somewhere 94-95 me and my friend bought Forever After by Koxbox to another friend for birthday present cos we had heard he likes goatrance... from there on I slowly started to listen and collect this music. After 99 psytrance started to go downhill for me.... I still kept buying records for some reason.... now it's been propably two years since I bought a psytrance cd (if you don't count ambient/chill).
  23. I somethimes wonder iif I should writh some album reviews.... it's just that they would be totally basshing the artist ans I would most likely give something like 3/10 ratings to most of the realelreases. Would somebody actulaly want to read reviesw like that? .. .sorru for tryping errps... im a bit drunk and some more... ceheers fellas... ;P
  24. 99-2004 is totally forgettable crapepy amateur releases (except few)!!!!!!! 1993-98 maybbe a bit more innovative and better sounding (analog synths and mixer + some old vintae gadgets).. and older more experienced producerds/musians made some fresh new musc... but it seem to bee over noow. just my humble drunken opinion.. ..cheers guys/gals... ps. sorry maybr I wanen a bit off topic...
  25. Top Commercial list: 01. Britney Spears, Madonna.. etc... 02. 03. 04. . . . . 34. . . . . 66. . . . . . . . 124. . . . . . . . . . . . 268. . . . . . . . . 562. . . . . . . . 879. . . . . . . . . . 1275. Trance, Psytrance, House, Drum&Bass, IDM.. etc.. etc.. What I mean is that Paul Van Dyke is not more commersial than for example Hallucinogen if you compare them to Britney and Co. Maybe Sasha and pals are making cheesy music but at least they seem to know what they are doing. 99% of psytrance released these days is totally forgettable crap. IMO.
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