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Everything posted by shpongled

  1. Subatomic propably ment triplets.... I like it when Hallucinogen does these morphs between triplet and normal beat.... it's not like it's been overdone since nobody else does this.... at least in psytrance.... so it's very unique.
  2. Sorry... couldn't resist.. ;P
  3. Huh.. 35 euros? I have received at least two times a free Mushroom magazine when I have ordered some CDs from online shops.
  4. ok.. you got mail...
  5. Wanna change Elysium to Black Rhino?
  6. Hallucinogen - The Lone Deranger
  7. X-Dream - Irritant / The Delta - Send In Send Back ....maybe too dark but at least those are very techno.
  8. "Why is it these days it's "IN" for the music to be all about DISTURBING the dancers? Why would anyone want to dose up on psychoactive drugs and listen to violent DISTURBING music which communicates an apocoliptic intent? I can see that the power is perhaps facinating... But why the sinister sound? WHY? What happened to feeling good?" I think it's because music makers (psytrance in this case) are younger nowadays than they were 10 years ago.
  9. "Why is it these days it's "IN" for the music to be all about DISTURBING the dancers? Why would anyone want to dose up on psychoactive drugs and listen to violent DISTURBING music which communicates an apocoliptic intent? I can see that the power is perhaps facinating... But why the sinister sound? WHY? What happened to feeling good?" I think it's because music makers (psytrance in this case) are younger nowadays than they were 10 years ago.
  10. shpongled

    hi all

    I think you guys have a bit negative attitude.... Lemmi did you really expect to make a killer track just one month after starting with music? If you want to be good at _anything_ it's obvious that you have to spend some time with it. Besides.. you don't have to _make_ music immediately... you can just learn to play some instrument... it's the most fun part of the whole process... and important.
  11. shpongled

    hi all

    Propellerheads Reason is propably the best thing to try out if you are just starting out... (or Fruity Loops) http://www.propellerheads.se/ You should also get a midi keyboard.
  12. http://www.oemradio.org/
  13. Damn that's juicy remix! I wouldn't mind whole Feeling Weird remixed by Hallucinogen.
  14. It is, if you like it. ;P
  15. Lemmi.. stop playing dummer than you are, ok?
  16. Electric Universe - Cosmic Experience
  17. But luckily there are meny feet out there...
  18. Juno Reactor & Hallucinogen........ Shpongle & Aphex Twin...... and I'm also waiting for that Simon Posford vs Merv Pepler thing..
  19. Could not have said it any better than Ken... agree 100%!
  20. As I see it they are two old buddies who decided make one track together under the name they used to call themselves. Is that so wrong? It's a bit far feched to call them mass market salesmen. IMO It's just logical, practical and wise to use their old name.
  21. If you fall for it there is nobody but your self to blame... i.e. you can listen before you buy. IMO quite simple.
  22. X... nobody forses you to listen to that or any other music you might not like.
  23. Psyshop seems to have it already for sale.
  24. It sounds pretty damn good but I think it needs variation to melody and drums/percussions. IMO it wouldn't hurt to use also other waveforms than that typical buzzing sawtooth... maybe some cleaner squarewave melodies here and there would add more interest. That bubbling background fx sweep sounds nicely evil >;P .
  25. Interesting article.... i bet there's gonna be shroom boom this summer in England.
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