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Everything posted by shpongled

  1. Most chill-out music in this scene uses Boooring 4/4 time signature with Boooring hiphop beats. Simon is constantly using other time signatures and even morphing between them in one track. That gives some edge to his music that most don't have. Nobody have to like his music but when it comes to musicality/rhythms he definitely has something Unique going on there.
  2. Oh... and I read somewhere that he has new album ready but don't know where to release it.
  3. My favourite Sandman tracks are Highway 101, Starfinder and End of the World... they are on various compilations (TIP - 3D, TIP - Orange and Tantrance 6)..... so check those tracks if you haven't already.... maybe you like....
  4. why are you so bitter and full of hate järsimä
  5. I think you need to take a brick from trance. Anything becomes boring if you listen to it a lot. Try to find some new music from other genres than trance.
  6. Mike Oldfield and Maggie Reilly - Moonlight Shadow is great piece of music... not space trance though.
  7. Umm... no. I would bet my right arm that Tortured Brain made that remix because he actually liked that song and not because "all corporate music bizz shite".
  8. Original is great but the remix is quite bad imo.
  9. Just got this CD..... IMO it's definitely the best chill compilation of 2003.
  10. www.digitallyimported.com
  11. oh i see........ well i don't know then.
  12. Hmm.. how it can be unknown track if the file is named Union Jack - Two Moons & (the whole track name is Two Full Moons And A Trout). I have that CD... the album name is There Will Be No Armageddon... and yes, it's on Platipus Records. Some tracks are quite cheesy imo.
  13. r.......
  14. Seems to be Great track.. listened a sample at Saikosounds.... interesting gooves you got going in there.
  15. Really?? ... ...Cos I was definitely NOT joke in... ;P
  16. For The Beatles ambient check out The Fireman...
  17. ...and damn that electric-guitar/acoustic-guitar combo sounds delicate on Kaya Project's track.
  18. I remember your name... anyway... I was just listening this and it sounded great: 13th Moon ......also check out Youth In Dub.
  19. Have you heard Signs Of Life compilation (Blueroom 1997)? Six last tracks are reeeally nice.
  20. Dear grandma, the sample of Supa String remix sounds really beautiful. All the best, sham poo girl.
  21. Dear grandma, the sample of Supa String remix sounds really beautiful. All the best, sham poo girl.
  22. Dear grandma, the sample of Supa String remix sounds really beautiful. All the best, sham poo girl.
  23. Jaïa is really one of the best ones out there imo... just got his double CD about month ago and it was even better than I remembered.... you can get it at least from Saikosounds: target="new">http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ease.asp?id=924 ....but maybe you should first check some other shops more near to you.. www.psyshop.com www.chaosunlimited.co.uk www.fnac.com www.chaosexistence.com www.trancetrax.com www.dolphindiscs.com www.loudmusic.dk
  24. Whaaat... Otto Matta you are now Trance Super Star... I got to hear this one! Can you put your original Super String in your site.. I'd like to hear that again.
  25. ...though I like the delta and x-dream every now and then...
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