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Everything posted by shpongled

  1. Well.. the samples were quite short but what was there sounded uninteresting imo........ and the overall mood was too dark and serious for me.
  2. Ok thanks... I'll check it..
  3. Actually I didn't like Technologic at all either...... just interested to hear if this is any better since you rave about it.... ...........so, where did you hear it? ....I checked psyshop and saikosounds but couldn't find it.
  4. Where did you hear this? Samples somewhere?
  5. It's impossible to make wav to midi converter that would work reasonably well.... especially when we are talking about psy...
  6. Open up 'VST Channel Mixer' from 'Panels' drop-down menu..... there is 'Insert' button for each channel... choose the channel where the VSTi sound is...... there you can see 'Inserts' column... click the black box that says: 'No E..ct' ....choose some reverb plug-in.... then just click 'On' and 'Edit' buttons.
  7. My favourite Koxbox is their first album Forever After. Maybe you should try that.. it's the most melodic of their albums. Dragon Tales might have more stylish and updated tracks than Forever After but as whole album FA is much more complete imo.... it's quite epic... like a story... whitch makes it nice to listen from beginning to the end.
  8. I have these CDs for sale: SUN Project - Paranormal (GTN) Organic Noise - Vacuum Tube (GTN) Montauk P. - DEF=LIM (Blue Room) Shakta - Out Of Sight (Dragonfly) Morphem - Monitoring (DMA records) Orion - Metamorpheus (Phantasm) V/A Something For The Weekend (Flying Rhino 2001) V/A Deck Wizards - Planet Maya - Jean Borelli (Psychic Deli) V/A Monarchie (ZMA) V/A Destination Goa 9 (2 x CD) (Why Not/Goldhead Music) V/A Ultra High Frequency (3D vision) V/A TIP.World Singles 2000 V/A Psychedelic Electronica - Psychic Deli Volume 2 V/A undergroundprogressivetrance vol. 1 (GTN) V/A Dragonfly Classix II (2 x CD) 9 euros/dollars each except double CDs 11 euros. +postage. shponglemood@hotmail.com
  9. Hello folks.... now Entheogenic has web site at www.entheogenic.net It's still under construction... but hopefully will be updated a lot in the following month. Anyway... take a look if you have time and let me know what you think... and if you find some bugs report them to me at saltarello1@hotmail.com
  10. Oh yes..... sounds reeeeally good..... Btw DeathPosture and Shulman.... "right click and save target as...." didn't work..................... just left click and it should work. It seems that the links have been made with JavaScript whitch is not very good way to make links...... plain html is safer.
  11. Is that just a coincidence that FSOL has also a track named My Kingdom? Sorry, just had to ask....
  12. Future Sound of London - Lifeforms (double CD)
  13. In my opinion Underworld did not rip off Shpongle or other way around... it's just a coincidence that they made a little bit similar sounding vocals.... and even if they got some inspiration from others I wouldn't call it rip off in this case.. just.. er.. inspiratio. And I must say it's weird if you don't hear the Paco de Lucia sample (Travellers link) in 'Around the World in a Tea Daze'...
  14. I think I had this Blaster Worm. It was the first time I had any virus in my computer...... some basic functions like copy-paste and etc didn't work..... but now the problem is fixed.... I used this: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...&displaylang=en
  15. Great track... first I listened now I'm downloading it... this could be very well released on some label imo.
  16. Now I have listened the track few times more and it's still very good but I noticed that the sound quality/production sounds little cheap and maybe a bit too much compressed.
  17. Quite f¤ing massive.
  18. Hehe.. ok. Dual monitor system would be nice.... I have thought about that but have no money to spend for extra monitor. First I thought you ment one monitor is running at 3200x1200... I was wondering how anybody can read any text with that high res... lol stjuupid me... 8P
  19. Ukiro, are you trying to compensate something... ;P
  20. Thank you Jaimz for very informative answer. The link you gave is just what I wanted to see. In that site there was said that the ration of 800x600 and 1024x768 (or over) resolution users is about 50/50 . But the query I made here (check also off-topic forum) shows that about 83% uses 1024x768 (or over). I'm going to make the site so that it will function at 800x600 too but propably won't look as good (or just don't look as it's supposed to look) as 1024x768. Of course I would like to make it so that it will look same with every system but I already have a good layout in my mind whitch is a bit hard (or impossible) to build so that it will look same at every resolution.
  21. Oh fuck! I hope you are the only one with that small setup.
  22. I need to know... what is the size of your computer screen? ...and what resolution you are using? (you should be able to see the resolution when you click some monitor picture near the windows c!ock on the right side bottom corner... example: 1024 x 768) Also.. what browser you are using? (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera etc...) I need to know this because I'm working on a net site (psytrance related). So please answer... it will help me to decide few graphical issues.
  23. Pistolero is great track IMO.
  24. You don't have to actually record it... you can 'render' it... go to File/Export/Audio Tracks...
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