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Everything posted by shpongled

  1. "don t like shpongle Author: lespagnol (---.utc.fr) Date: 10-24-02 17:44 is it a crime ?...." No. I'm just gonna repeat what Unikos said... some people likes strawberries and other likes more blueberries.
  2. Lets do this other way around.... Cosma.. what do you think... why is there fuss around Posford's music?
  3. From all genres my favourites besides Posford are Dead Can Dance, the Gathering, Juno Reactor, fsol, Spyra...
  4. "Do you have MIDI coming out from the PC to the synth, then line-in from the synth to PC?" Yes. But you propably ment line-out. "Also, if I were to use a true analog, how would you go about using that with a PC?" Some analogs have midi, some need 'midi to cv converter' and to some you can't get midi at all (or you have to find some expert who can build it in).
  5. lol.. wha..
  6. You can use VST/DirectX plug-inns in all audio (.wav) tracks and you can also use them to all VST-instruments. Best way to build drum patterns in Cubase is to use some VSTi sampler like Battery or Kontakt. Btw... bassline does not mean kick drums.......... bassline is er... well.. bassguitarline.
  7. damn.. i keep opening this thread.
  8. It's wonderful.. just wonderful. Solar Fields track is yummy. You can listen whole tunes in Ultimae site..
  9. Yes you can... just open the Channel Mixer and there should be buttons called INSERT for every audio and vst instrument channel.
  10. Layer notes from different octaves.
  11. Saikosounds have 2.30min samples.
  12. Hey Unikos.... i was just also thinking Blade Runner soundtrack... especially the track "Wait For Me" is soooo porn. ;P
  13. If you have DirectX 8.0 try to update to 8.1
  14. Yes.... for example you can do it with Midiman's Oxygen8.
  15. Mad... have you noticed that new Toires and new Fahrenheit Project (3) just came out.
  16. Sorry Bugbread..... Strumpling already started few days ago.
  17. Or how about $42? But seriously.......... mail from Simon H. : --------------------------------------- "that is possible- but these albums are not released yet. maybe try at Christmas. kind regards simon h." --------------------------------------- So I quess Strumpling is going to click quite a few times "Refresh"-button.
  18. I think it's a distortion that makes a kick sound hard without high volume.... you can't hear the distortion when there is other stuff going... like bassline and hihats. Native Instrument's Kontakt has veeery nice tube and transient distortions.
  19. It already should be..... so very soon i quess.
  20. Heyyy.... would somebody be so kind and order two Shpongle Remix albums when making order from Twisted site? One for me one for you......... I send money and you send the CD..... pleeease? Anyone from Finland ordering this? Scandinavia? Europe? Earth? Mars? Sirius?
  21. I started to download your track but it gives only like 1.0 KB/sec...... and there is still 2hr 11min left......... sorry but I had to cancel.... try to find some faster server.
  22. Bamboo Forest's first album was going to be released on Flying Rhino but as we know FR just bacame bankrupt.... so what's gonna happen to BF album? I was waiting this release.
  23. Acoustic Mirror..... it adds real (recorded) reverbs to whatever sound. But it sucks all the CPU power... so you better use it in Sound Forge, Wavelab etc..
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