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Everything posted by shpongled

  1. How's that Black Sun ? And who are Transparent ? Aaaand what's on A Better Life Though Chemistry ?
  2. Let's see if this works... K___K___K___K___ ____S_______S___ Hh_hhh_hHh_hhh_h __O___o___O___o_ K = Kick Drum (bass drum) S = Snare H = Hihat O = Open Hihat _ = silent 16th note This is the most basic "goa" beat.
  3. Okey thanks... I'll try to check those... I'm just thinking what to order with my amazon.com gift certificate.
  4. I'm about 788400000000 milliseconds old.
  5. With Supernova (i have nova) you can play more paches at the same time (multitimbrality)... at least 8 propably more... in Nord it's only 4 parts... but Nord has better sound character (I have only tested it in a shop)... Supernova sounds cheezy but you can tweak those presets and make it sound better.. there is also effects (delay, reverb, flange etc...) for each pach in Supernova... you have to buy effect machine for Nord or you have to add effects after you have recorded your stuff to computer. You should also check Access Virus B and some Waldorf synths. Good synth review site --> www.vintagesynth.com
  6. Uups I forgot... and I have few Klaus Schulze and Tangerine Dream LPs.
  7. Full Lotus... can you recommend me/us few best psychedelic records from 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's... PS. I already have few Pink Floyd and Ozric Tentacles albums.
  8. Well.. to my ears Until The End Of The World sounded typical cheezy melodic/clubtrance... cheezy sounds, cheezy melodies and cheezy already million times written lyrics... I could say... so close but still soooooooo far away from the feeling of old goa (imo).
  9. Sounds P§ycho... like some soundtrack... ;P
  10. Smee again.. how about Dead Can Dance ...very beautiful and melancholic music. 10/10
  11. Nicey nice... )))))))
  12. Héh.. or even better --> Hallucinogen in Helsinki ;P
  13. Click twice Older Topic and look for thread named: Hallucinogen in Helsinki
  14. Try Floatation ambient compilation from Interchill Records... there's 6 minute Shpongle flute track... Saudade part 2.
  15. Spyra - Future Of The Past FSOL - Lifeforms Boards Of Canada - Music Has The Right To Children Yellow Magnetic Star - Son Of The Light Fahrenheit Project 1 and 2 Banco De Gaia - Last Train To Lhasa Makyo - Yakshini Eclipse - A Journey Of Permanence & Impermanence Toires - Oued Saafi Brothers - Midnight's Children Ambient/Chill-Out... whatever..
  16. Well this is not unusual... it's what I suspected... another marketting trick... booyaka.
  17. shpongled

    WOW!! 2

    me lazy
  18. Smith... when are you going to put new Hallucinogen/Shpongle live online?
  19. I'm looking for X-Toaster tracks... do you have any?
  20. uuh.. forgot to change nick... so what u heard?
  21. shpongled


    Psyshop has Fractal Glider album.
  22. shpongled

    WOW!! 2

    @blipp # 2 thanx a lot... i have the dub trees album for months but didn't remembered this track in the movie...;-)
  23. Now I listened Assemblage 23 - Awake... well.. I didn't like it... way too cheezy for my taste. But I could like some of the stuff you suggested......... Depeche Mode is very good "synthpop"... Enjoy The Silence, Never Let Me Down Again... i love those tracks.
  24. "...Stop theese "corrections"..." BTW. it's these not theese... )))
  25. ebm = electronic body music... i think?
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