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Everything posted by shpongled

  1. "---------- For all of you who have a fast internet connection. http://www.liquidcrystalvision.com/ Plur Q ----------" What is that Shpongle track... it plays background when Alex Gray explains his painting and when that skater guy speaks... it sounds very familiar but I can't identify where it's from.
  2. shpongled


    Colours Of Shiva 2 (TIP Blue&Phosphorescent) (1998 - Nova Tekk) (2 CD) Colours Of Shiva 1 (TIP Yellow&Orange) (1997 - Nova Tekk) (2 CD) Take a look at those Mike... they might be same thing you've got.
  3. but it's only for mac
  4. shpongled


    WOW indeed... and what is that Shpongle track... it plays background when Alex Gray explains his painting and when that skater guy speaks... it sounds very familiar but I can't identify where it's from.
  5. Ibotenic... Stakes & psychedelic music? Quite interesting combination... ))
  7. I'm sorry... I ment to post this in another thread... sorry..
  8. Can't you put mp3s in your site? What are ogg files... why ogg? Eh..
  9. Reaktor is THE best software synth that there is... actually it's lot more... you can "build" your own synths with it... + effects etc.. etc.. www.nativeinstruments.com
  10. I once saw a document about Beatles and one of the members said that it's not about LSD... but "...just a title of a picture that lennon's little son painted" like Psyfi said.
  11. The Gathering - Nighttime Birds Dead Can Dance - ? (too hard to pick just one) Vangelis - 1492 Conquest Of Paradise Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon Spyra - Future Of The Past Lacuna Coil - Unleashed Memories FSOL - Lifeforms Sunny Day Real Estate - How It Feels To Be Something On
  12. One more question... who is bringing/booking Hallucinogen to Finland? Is it "live" or DJ?
  13. Okey thanks PuuhaMees... I have never bought a ticket to Makasiinit from Tiketti etc... I've only bought straight from the door... but okey.. I admit it was a bit dumb question..
  14. Where can we buy tickets?
  15. They had some problem with Infinium Software so they needed to change their name.
  16. There is always people who are new to this scene and don't have those tracks... so they might enjoy very much that compilation... and what's wrong making money? you need it if you want to live in this society.
  17. I don't have Halion but I think that's how it should work (the way you discribed). Did you try from different octaves or did you try different midi channels?
  18. Did you remember to choose Halion from the midi channels output column?
  19. Those and meny more are percussion... rhythm instruments.
  20. conga, bongo, shaker, tambourine, tabla, quiro, etc... etc...
  21. (a href="http://www.mackie.com/Products/Active/SRM450/SRM450.asp" target="new")write here whatever you want(/a) Like that but instead of these ( ) you have to use these < >
  22. MIRAculis (girl) (psy) MIRAnda (girl) (psy) MIRA Calix (girl) (idm?) Isn't that quite a coincidence ?
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