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Everything posted by shpongled

  1. I was thinking too much last contest.. some artist had two tracks in that "virtual compilation"... ;P
  2. Yes... I'm F¤#(&% stupid... I see it now... hehe... ))
  3. I think it would be nice if you put only one track per artist to the compilation.
  4. Damn sensor... S_H_I_T_-talker
  5. I think you would be happiest with Reason if you are just starting... or maybe you should first test some audio editor like Sound Forge.. you can't make a track with it but you can twist you audio files (.wav)... for fun. Oh... you should test @!#$-talker... it's f#%"# funny. http://www.shittalker.com
  6. Here is a picture of my little studio... Nowadays I don't use much all those external machines... I just run Fruity Loops on my computer... it's so great... I'm actually thinking to sell all my gear and just use me puter.
  7. Try this... http://www.thomann.de
  8. shpongled


    Oood - Silence (after 6min --> to the end) and Hallucinogen - LSD
  9. Well.. I want to learn some music theory from all over the world not just western music... I think it's not going to do any harm to me.. I'm doing this by my own and not in school.. so it's still pretty experimental.
  10. I'm just going to bed but before that I listen(now playing) Dreadzone - A Canterbury Tale
  11. I think it's not coincidence that today psytrance is so minimal... meny people have access to cheap gear and "free" software but these people don't know much about music theory (like me)... they use much time learning to produce (learn using gear, software, eq, compression etc...). Minimal music sounds very cool.. but try to make a melodic track with a chord progression that doesn't sound cheesy.
  12. I would like to use chord progressions in music... not just one note melodies. It's very hard to make "non-cheesy" chord progression.
  13. Thanks Hels.
  14. Inukko... chord = when you play two or more notes at the same time. Aonia... is that really a whole scale? There are only 5 notes.. usually there are more notes in a scale.
  15. Go to here --> www.analogx.com ...download and install Gate. How to use: Open Audio file in Cubase... Choose the plug Gate from Output column of some midi track... program (edit) some rhythm... that's it... the audio track will play only when there is note triggered from midi track... you can choose attack and release times. Hope that helps.
  16. Okey thanks... I will check that melody... BUT... I asked chords not arpeggios (melodies)... anyway.. thanks.
  17. Can somebody show few cool spacey or mystical sounding chords / chord progressions ? or just cool chords ? Which scales go well together in a track ? Can I play bassline from any key that is in chord ? Thanks in advance.
  18. Thanks.. but what about spacey chord/chord progression?
  19. Hels... What notes you play when you play major b2 chord? and what about Db major in a C key? Isn't major kind of "happy" chord? I don't like too happy melodies. > heh evil me. Could you give an example of "cool harmonic" chord progression ? And finally could somebody show few cool chords that doesn't sound cheesy... maybe something spacey and something mystical. Actually I'm going to star a new thread. Thanks. ))
  20. Try this scale: c, c#, d#, e, f#, g, a, a#
  21. what's the name of Simon Posford and Ott "band"?
  22. upps
  23. If the soundcard you want doesn't have midi you can buy separate midi interface. USB Midisport 1x1
  24. Some of the Texas Faggott's tracks has very crappy production... it sounds like they intentionally make music crappy so that it would sound wacky and spykedelik... I quess it's part of the Finnish mentality.
  25. www.icq.com
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