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Everything posted by shpongled

  1. Hmm... I don't beleave that the problem is wrong pci slot... if you can play one VST Instrument without crackling but you can't play 3... isn't that obvious that your computer/soundcard just simply can't handle so many synths at the same time.
  2. There is also that "pre-roll" setting which gives Cubase a little time before it stars to play.
  3. shpongled


    Dido has the same IP address as that fake moondancer had... hmm... :?
  4. Oh.. I dunno... I just thought it would be some shroom because there was Seitikki.
  5. järsimähäiriö means "chewing disorder" or "nibbling disorder"... and Syöksyseitikki is a mushroom.
  6. ok... sorry..
  7. I think that you can't get quite that sound what you are looking for with that kind of method... you can put your sound thru lopass, bandpass or highpass filter and play with cutoff frequency but it's not going to sound same as real/software synth... but if you want to try this then I would suggest Reaktor or Vaz (there are also meny more)... ehh... this was actually silly suggestion because you don't need to make sounds in Sound Forge if you have program like Reaktor or etc.... Cubase 5 has also few plugins for this...
  8. Sandman(Izik), Tegma(Tomek?), Psysex(Mr. Hanky?), D-Dave... maybe more... can't remember.
  9. I would be poor man very soon if I had a credit card.
  10. I just noticed that you can pay with "C.O.D" (cash on delivery = postiennakko) system to Psyshop. If you order 4 CDs at the same time one costs about 120 FIM.
  11. Hehee... aika osuvasti sanottu... mutta jos tilaa vaikka 5 CDtä samalla kertaa niin kappale hinnaksi tulee noin 118mk... eli sama kun ostais täältä kaupasta.
  12. Järsimähäiriö... nyt mä huomasinkin että ne lähettää postiennakolla... joten eipäs mittään.
  13. Well it depends what synth you have... some synths have built in sequencer and some don't... but best way to sequence is with computer... software like Cubase and Logic Audio are most used Sequencers.
  14. Järsimähäiriö... miten sä maksat noi sun tilaamat CDt... haluaisin tilailla nettikaupoista musaa, mutta mulla ei oo luottokorttia enkä viittis hankkia... musta tulis luultavasti hyvin köyhä hyvin nopeesti.
  15. Weird... it's working fine for me... it only looks red after I have posted something but after refreshing everything is back to normal.
  16. Not exactly Goa posters but still very cool... http://www.alexgrey.com/posters.html ...Sandman's album Witchcraft has this guy's painting as cover.
  17. Hahahaaa... that's loads of gear... I would like to see Astral guys saying: "You don't need much gear to make good music" ...with serious face.
  18. Umm... how can you "sample" your synth if you can't hear the sounds? Have you tried to connect headphones directly to your synth? Can you now hear the sounds? ...if not then the problem is what Psychopat said... local keyboard is set to OFF.
  19. thanks...
  20. shpongled


  21. Is this really released already?
  22. Ra - To Sirius... that's a bit like Astral Projection.
  23. I think 2000$ is way too much for 1032A... I checked the price in Finland and it's about 1400$... and you say they are used... so watch out... this guy might be fooling you.
  24. Midi keyboard or a synth.
  25. Thanks for info... I found Finnish dealer... and 1031A two way monitors are about 1100$... that's propably most I would pay for monitors.
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