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Everything posted by shpongled

  1. What... can we already download those tracks?
  2. It's just a normal wav file...
  3. I once tried Logic but I didn't understand it... Cubase looks easy and it is easy to use... mayby not so stable.
  4. Thanks schism... yes... some tracks in The Lone Deranger album are Celtic'ish sounding. And btw I got this answer from one guy... Celtic music makes a lot of use of the mixolydian and dorian modes and pentatonic scales. Another one of the elements of Celtic music is the use of microtonal bends as found in blues and Arabic music e.g.if I was playing a tune that used C Mixolydian on acoustic guitar I would bend the the flatted 7th so that it would give a sound between the flatted 7th and the major 7th. Celtic music is highly ornamented, it uses a lot of slurs, bends and grace notes if you look at pieces transcribed for the guitar you invariably see lots of very fast hammer ons and pull offs and lots of slides and bends. Guitarists who play Celtic music often tune their guitars to DADGAD which is also known as G modal.
  5. Hello... I would like to know what scale is used in Celtic music. Thanks.
  6. Ok.. is there any software that has good Formant Filter?
  7. thanks... have to try... but what is a Formant Filter?
  8. It's a synthesizer which you can play if you have a midi keyboard... and you can record your playing as midi data to Cubase(or Cakewalk or Logic)... you can also "draw" the notes to Cubase if you can't play.
  9. Hello aliens ... I would like to know.. which song has your favourite snare sound? Also I would like to hear some tips how to create cool snare samples... I've heard that if you put them thru old gitar effects you might get something... I have never tried so I'm not sure... you tell me. Thanks.
  10. Shpongle does not need an introduction, all who has listened to any of their material know these artists are great. This album is quite different than the last, as Simon says; more world music. You really hear that this duo got enormous inspiration and tallent, to produce such different styles with cheer quality. T1: spanish guitar melodies, nutty raja voice samples, beautiful drums, and Simons (current) girlfriend's beautiful voice, the unimitable twisted way offcource. T2: Name inspired from J.Hendrix unforgettable guitar solo named Star Spangled Banner (hendrix talking sample in intro), chill-out at the beginning; slow tempo, lovely bassline, wonderfull instruments & voice samples (natural & robotic a'la DMT) , around 4mins it breaks up and develops to a hard hitting 4/4 kick witch drives harder & harder, to at the end slow down & break up... T3: starting w/ recreated dmt crackling noise (well no, but a recreated feeling through sound =), Terrence McKenna speaks about the DMT trip (his samples also aplied in middle & end), this later with beautiful vocals great melodies, twisted instrument & drumming, raja comes in w/ his soothing flute in the later half of the song. T4: intro w/ strange instruments, wierd reverb to be followed by lovely voice samples, flute playing, great drums, piano at the side, this is a chill-out & feel good track =). T5: Again with the wierd reverb (GRM Tools!!) in the intro, ring-mods are used here to create a surreal/demented sound to the flute =), i don't need to say more than this is a psycedelic latino track with simon & raj twist!, great. T6: intro of outdoor nature sounds w/ a little mystical touch, transforms into a pre concerto feeling (you know it when you hear it =), then the beat starts, deep bass, incredible drums here, chill melodies, ring modulated flute here too, sound sooo insanely good when layered w/ sweepy synth patch, psycho voice samples, tempo change @ 5:50 to a fast rising beat that later breaks up into oblibion =)). T7: Now here comes a real chill track, so soft and gentle, beautiful singing from simons girlfriend!!, soothing melodies & instruments, flute (in the middle & end), relax, turn you mind off!. T7: the longest track on this CD, here blending lots of genres, relaxing intro with 'watery' guitar melodies, slowly build up, great instruments here, arabic atmosphere builds up later in the track, operetic singing & arabic voice samples, strings, ahh wonderful, gets quite a tempo in the end, Bolero style =) (although not that linear build), lots of energy @ the end blowing up and... T:8 soft flute playing with only atmospherical pads, melodic, what a great ending of the CD. Now for obvious task; to compare it to their first album, well you can't =), they are to different. I would say that the last album had a more 'mystical' feeling to it though, but that does not make it better... I would give it 9,8/10 (preserving me for more shpongle releases). BUY IT IF YOU ENJOY MUSIC!!!!
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