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Everything posted by shpongled

  1. It's not Hallucinogen's track... maybe VAC has a track called Hallucinogen. NP: Iron Maiden - Where Eagles Dare
  2. I remember Izik posted links to some samples from his "new album" about three years ago here. They sounded good old Sandman style and nothing like this (generic full-on). Maybe he saves more unique stuff for his album and releases more commercial stuff on compilations. So far before these new tracks I have always liked more the stuff he has released on compilations (Highway 101, End Of The World, Starfinder, The Dark Side, etc.. )
  3. May I ask what kind of stuff you can do with that combination?
  4. Since I have sh-101 too I would also love to hear what these extra features sounds like... can you post some examples (without any other fx from other machines).
  5. Can't remember track called Boll by Process... where's that released? Good?
  6. Good to hear... have to check it when it comes...
  7. Nuclear Ramjet
  8. Etnica. Because they are more subtle.
  9. You might enjoy some of these classics... Koxbox - Forever After Hallucinogen - Twisted Hallucinogen - The Lone Deranger Juno Reactor - Beyond The Infinite Juno Reactor - Bible Of Dreams Juno Reactor - Shango Psychopod - Headlines Ep Etnica - Alien Protein Sandman - Witchcraft The Green Nuns Of The Revolution - Rock Bitch Mafia Orichalcum & The Deviant - Orichalcum & The Deviant Pleiadians - IFO Jaia - Blue Energy Blue Planet Corporation - Blue Planet
  10. Aphex Twin - Come On You Slags! (because of the Aphex Twin thread in Off-Topic)
  11. Longer samples here...
  12. Yes.. but then again.. when you add those same effects to analog synths you got even more lushier sounds. And talking about thin sounds... when you use only one oscillator with VST synths it pretty much always sounds cheap and toy'ish. Then when you take for example Roland SH-101 you don't even want to use more that one oscillator because you want to keep its unique character as clear as possible. IMO.
  13. Well... yeah.. meny things happened.
  14. Yes. I like quite a lot more analog sounds... they are warmer, stronger/fatter, more organic and a track made with analog synths have more soul and character than a track made with digi synths. VST synths sound cheap... and analogs sounds like "a real instrument". IMO. Edit: But I love to fool about with VST synths... they are really great for learning purposes... and fun and easy to use.
  15. VST happened. That's why. IMO.
  16. That one is Digital synth. Maybe you ment MS-20... that's the legendary (analog) Korg that meny well know electronic musicians have used.. including our Lord Mr. P... actually if I remember right it is one of his favourite synths.
  17. Netherlands? Now I'm a bit puzzled... where you joe king when you two said you were sisters/brothers? NP: Koxbox - Fuel On .
  18. This looks interesting... are the tracks any good?
  19. One that I like and which is very hypnotic and deep is: Astralasia - Seven Suns
  20. Yep... that's teh number... I'm afraid you have to stop posting now.
  21. Dead Can Dance - Fortune Present Gifts Not According To The Book
  22. Hallucinogen is overrated but at the same time it's also overbashed. I have tried to find the reasons why he has become so popular/overrated and I have come to conclusion: - TITS!!! - Ass - Hallucinogen vids on MTV 24/7 - Pie - $$$$$$$ used on marketing - TITS!!! - More pie - Nakid girrrls I mean.. what else it could be?
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