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Everything posted by shpongled

  1. I think you should have read the whole thread...
  2. ehm.. this is also from imdb: "Has an older half-brother (Christian), an older sister (Vanessa), an older brother (Adrian) & a twin brother (Hunter)"
  3. Iron Maiden - Moonchild owns! but really, it does! NP: Iron Maiden - Moonchild
  4. Sorry people I made big mistake... I have allways thought when people mention Orange compilation they mean Tip Singles 1 (and so Tip Singles 2 is Silver compilation in my head )... I didn't know Tip really had compilations named like that...
  5. Oh.. I didn't know there were different editions... I bought these from a shop here in Finland when they were released (1997.. both). In the booklets there is no mention about Japan... shouldn't there be something?
  6. Hmm.. the orange compilation I have has really nice booklet (it's just like the silver compilation but the colours are turned around).
  7. Great song!! NP: Elysium - Trancelestial Psychobabas
  8. Did you know that Sandman actually has track called End Of The Word? NP: Gus Till - Electric Oceans (album)
  9. Ulrich Schnauss - Blumenthal
  10. What about now?
  11. It would be weird and rude to say "you annoy..."...but not "the track annoy...".
  12. Yes. I don't really see what's the problem about saying one doesn't like sampled vocals.
  13. Couldn't say it any better... I agree 100%.
  14. I don't see what's wrong about constructive criticism & voicing an opinion... it helps both sides. I don't have to do that because I can already tell you that you and anybody else would be more that wellcome to comment my tracks if I had any.
  15. I'm not sure what you mean by this... can you specify...
  16. I also don't like _vocals_ from sample CDs at all. Most of the time you can hear instantly that they are taken from some sample library... they just don't sound original enough. It would be more meaningful if you yourself wrote the lyrics/messages.. otherwise they are just some "stock sentences". And IMO it ruins a bit music if I hear the same (vocal) samples on different tracks. Why not ask a friend to sing... or put a message to a noticeboard of a music school or something... This all was already said.. just wanted to voice my opinion. You don't have to be a cook to taste if food is tasty or not. .
  17. Mudspirit - Worm Hole (V/A: TIP - Beyond Colour) Solaris - Can White (V/A: 3RD Mind Records - The Influence) Morphem - Montage (V/A: 3RD Mind Records - The Influence)
  18. You know.. there is life (and music) outside off psytrance too..
  19. Yep... I have noticed that too.
  20. Verdi - Requiem - Dies irae edit: oh and Ray Manzareks version of Carmina Burana (includes O Fortuna) is f¤%ing fantastic... but it's rock.
  21. Actually I was a little disappointed with both of them but I like a bit more the second. I couldn't think anything else to recommend... maybe there are some if you dig deep... oh... new Blue Planet Corporation is coming this year... that should be good.
  22. Unusual Suspects 2 (Twisted)
  23. But of course... I just thought that there is nothing weird about the fact that somebody actually likes those guys.
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