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Everything posted by shpongled

  1. When Hallucinogen was in Finland some years ago I remember he played some PF remix with hevy trance beat over it. Can you tell those 7 you know?
  2. 28
  3. Easy Star All-Stars - Dub Side Of The Moon CD
  4. GMSs and Infected Mushrooms remixes of Gamma Goblins.... those are pretty damn crappy.
  5. Oh.. about the other similar bands... well... here's some but really not as good as DCD... Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke - Duality Estampie (meny albums.. good songs here and there.. medieval music) Warsaw Village Band Peter Ulrich (have played with DCD) Vas Loreena Mckennit Rasa Stellamara I bet if you would ask this in Lisa Gerrards forum you would get tons of more accurate suggestions.
  6. Again? You seen them two times... damn you lucky bastard... ...I so wish they would come to Finland. First I liked just Lisa Gerrards singing but now I like also Brendan Perry... he has very charismatic voice... not meny people have that.
  7. I sold their debut album to the good ol Mike D from Australia some years ago. I liked the goth melodies first but the music otherwise is pretty simple and boring imo.
  8. and here is something that could be reeeaaallllyyy useful... especially for trance.... Samchillian Tip Tip Tip Cheeepeeeee Check out a video and you will understand: Instructional video about Samchillian (53 Mb)
  9. Ok mine's about 16 cm when hard. edit: sorry i ment about 300.
  10. How is that Timeshard? I have 'Hunab Ku' and it is one of my favourite chill/"trance" albums... once I had opportunity to buy the other one they have released (the one in your picture I guess) but I passed ...just wondering how good it is? And I'm still pissed because I don't have that glowing 'holographic' artwork which came inside TIP - 3D... (some fu*ker had stolen it from the shop and I didn't know the record should contain that artwork) gwaarrhGJHGgggaas!!!!
  11. Uhh.. that's some hardcore vinyl porn!!!
  12. Is this about trance? Then I can't choose just one because a good trance track has to be Psychedelic, Melodic, Groovy, Rhythmic, Full Power, Minimal, Peaceful.
  13. I have only the compilation Quadruped v.1 where they have 3 tracks. Some great atmospheric trance. I don't know much about CoD but one really good chill album is Children of Bong... well.. at least it has 2 superb tracks.
  14. When one starts to call people names that's indeen a sign you have run out of any reasonable arguments. I have explained myself pretty well... your argument is that I'm an idiot... not very convincing or mature... is that also some age thing? There is also a saying: "You get what you order" I.e. you should be able to take the heat as adult if you start bashing and questioning peoples personal taste.
  15. Or you run out off reasonable arguments.
  16. Might the reason you don't see meny people raving about Ooze be simple as: Doh' there aren't nearly as meny Ooze fans as there are Shpongle fans? Saying Ooze fans are more sensible than Shpongle fans sounds to me as accurate as saying Ooze fans eat more porkpie than Shpongle fans. I.e are you pulling off some non-existent statistics out of your hat. If you'r gonna bash something try to at least come up some more reasonable arguments. I would guess those people are minority... the ones who just discoverd electronic music.
  17. I have never seen anybody call Posford a "godfather of ambient". I think you are pulling non-existent reasons out of your pocket just for the sake of bashing something you don't happen to like.
  18. Quote: "...I find they are overrated and that imo they have to come up with more than one good album, to be in the top 5 of ambient/chill artists out there." Can you tell me what does number of released albums got anything to do with the fact that some people actually enjoys Shpongles music more than for example Schulzes? Person #1: Which do you like more FSOL or Schulze? Person #2: FSOL.. Definitely! Person #1: Wow you must be kidding! Person #2: Huh?? What do you mean? I love FSOL!! Person #1: You are way overrating it! Person #2: I am?? Person #1: Yes, you are. Schulze has released SHED loads of more albums than FSOL!! Person #2: So?? Person #1: So FSOL should come up at least 20 more albums to be on top place! Person #2: Really? But I just happen to like FSOL more. Person #1: Well don't worry, you are still very young, you will understand these things when you get little older... Person #2: *Arms fells off* i.e. music is question of taste and you are questioning peoples taste by asking "how can you rate shpongle higher than... ?" Quote: "If you think recognizing different influences on peoples listening habits in relation to their age is elitistic, than that is up to you, imo it is a quite obvious fact." Sure it might be obvious fact in cases like 'Britney Spears vs. Ray Charles' or 'Backstreet Boys vs. Frank Zappa'. But with 'Shpongle vs. FSOL'??? Lol.. not obvious at all.... if there is a line you would have to use microscope to see it. See, for example, Sherlock just said he's young and doesn't like Shpongle and I am "old" and love Shpongle. . edit: argh! there is something wrong with the quote function again...
  19. Well the nick is very old... I have had it since this site was opened... and even before that I had a mail account at hotmail called shpongledboy. I just have not managed to get rid of it since I have used it so long. Also as I said in the beginning of this thread I did not vote since I could not pic up my favourite in this category... and instead I listed these artists as my favourites (from the poll list only): Shpongle, Future Sound of London, Steve Roach, Banco de Gaia, Ishq, The Infinity Project, Klaus Schulze. So it was not so much about Shpongle bashing that got me writing... but simply because I did not understand your logic about the rating... and I still don't! You know some people have tendency to bash artists just because they are popular... and I think that's what you were doing. Well ok you didn't ask directly but you wondered how somebody could rate it higher than for example Klaus Schulze which is still weird since when it comes to DIGGIN' music it really doesn't matter a one bit how meny records the artist have released or how intelligent/serious the compositions are... if that would be the case everybody would be listening jazz and classical 24/7. It might be true that the people who listen more Schulze, The Orb, Roach etc than Shpongle type of music are a bit older... but in larger perspective the difference is just a drop in ocean.... you see you could go on and on even more deeper and deeper and say that some even more older jazz/classical musician would propably laugh his/her ass off for somebody goin on how The Orb is a LOT better than Shpongle (because the difference between them is so small). Like I said people easily diss popular names... and also at the end of the day the age thing just smells like elitism. IMO.
  20. Well dear Eleria this poll was not about "Who do you think is the most Talented?" but simply "Who is you Favourite?". If Shpongle kicks peoples booty then who are you to say they should rate some other artists higher? That's just weird.
  21. Overrating is overrated... it doesn't really exist.
  22. Funny thing is that her singing skills are propably far superior that 99% of psy producers composition skills.
  23. http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?sh...39&hl=best+year
  24. I listened... not quite the style I like so I can't say much.... but anybody who enjoy "goa-sound" will propably like this.
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