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Everything posted by shpongled

  1. Some reasons why I love 'Are You Shpongled' : - Interesting/exiting rhythms (IMO the most innovative in psy-chill-out category so far) - The earthy psychedelic mood/atmosphere - All the tracks manage to be different but still keep that same mood... the "flow-factor" of this album is 10/10 - The music is extremely visual... whatever that means I'm not sure but that's how I feel - Raja Rams flute lines - Cool synth sounds/fx - Interesting/exiting rhythms - Interesting/exiting rhythms IMO most of the other psy-chill-out artists use totally boring beats... i.e.. stiff, stagnant, simple and not exiting at all. Ps. Interesting/exiting rhythms!!!
  2. I have dreamed about getting that monster of analog.... how do you like it?
  3. Total Eclipse - Psychedelic Terrorist (if I remember right it's 162bpm)
  4. I said I like the cover.
  5. No problem...
  6. I'm not sure now if you are joke in but it's beyond my understanding how you can not hear melodies and rhythms in those samples. And you can hear for example delay effect easily even if a sample is 32kbps. And I already explained a bit why the production sounded bad to me.
  7. I think it's reeeally weird thing to hate somebody just because he/she makes music you don't happen to like. It looks like he has time of his live perfoming to so meny people and the audience seem to love it too. And no.. I'm not Skazi fun... never been.
  8. Sums what? That I can't hear melodies and rhythms on 4:00 minute long samples? Huh? The production is not that bad but it still shines thru even 64kbps mp3s that it's not perfect. Listen track #4 starting at 2:09... it sounds messy and out of sync... and nobody needs CD quality to hear that. People also mentioned bad mixing of the beat.... sometimes the kick is too loud and sometimes it's just ugly sounding. Some of the synth lead sounds are also plain ugly... sorry that's just my opinion. So what's your point again?
  9. I listened the samples at Saiko... and that's perfectly enough for me to hear if I like it or not.
  10. ...So I can't state my opinion about a CD unless it's something positive? This whole site is based on album reviews... negative or positive. Though I like the cover.
  11. Cheesy melodies + cheesy rhythms + cheesy effects + amateurish production = Well.. go figure.
  12. You just quickly twist one note here and there. And yes you can definitely use it in basslines.
  13. Not just trance... but anyway... Rush - YYZ (S. Posford remix) Iron Maiden - Transylvania (Juno Reactor remix) Herbie Hancock - Chameleon (S. Posford remix) Dead Can Dance - The Lotus Eater (Celtic Cross remix) Beethovens 9th symphony updated by Aphex Twin
  14. Can you point out a track (and time) that has this sound you speak?
  15. Little off-topic but I would really really love to hear Hallucinogen & Juno Reactor to remix some IRON MAIDEN tunes. Now suck that all you goa guardians!
  16. You can add chorus, reverb, delay, etc... whatever you want.... like I said Main Mixer/Inserts. And if I remember right when doing that mixdown there is option to import it directly to a audio track.
  17. Hah... it's good to slap some too serious hippy kids in the face with Britney & Co once in awhile...
  18. You don't have to convert the midi tracks to audio... you can add all kinds of fx to VST istruments thru main mixer/inserts...
  19. Yeah let's do dat... umm wait! let's not!
  20. Hah! I voted Isratrance just because this is so idiotic poll.
  21. Synths - Sequenced / Vierring.ens It seems that I have two installations of Reaktor... I can choose between 'ReaktorVST' and 'Reaktor 4'...... ReaktorVST is older version 4.0.0 and the other one is 4.0.3........ and I can't get any sounds out of the older one. Yes. Just like that. No. Just press play from Cubase. Notice that I'm now talking about Reaktor sequencer-synth.... when it's normal synth without sequencer then you have to draw or record midi notes in Key Editor. No... not from both... just in Cubase and the sequencer starts in Reaktor. note: I had to press on/off button few times from Reaktor to get it to work. It's next to that CPU% thingie. But then again.. I don't have the real thing...
  22. I think I have commented your music once or twice before but I say it again... it's great.. you certainly know something about melodies/harmonies! I also like the mood of your tracks... reminds me a bit of Ulrich Schnauss. I'm sure you're gonna get an album released some day if you continue your work.
  23. When you are done please post a discription/review.
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