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Everything posted by Tunel

  1. well i recently started with cubase and some VSTi`s. ive been doing music quite a while now, so cubase open me the panorama. . well im doing some tech-trance music and the REASON sound of drums is really bugging me. ive been listened some of midimiliz drums, x-dream, percussions of wizzy noise and there are so great, and i dont talk about the sequence of drums, just the sounds of it. So the question is... someone knows what they used, or simply recommend some drums machines that you think is good for sound and sequence?. Percussions of PPS project are great to. . im not talking about kicks, just snares (if you can call it like that ). Tips on how to make them sound good with EQ or fx are welcome to. OK Good bye
  2. hi... i listned your track, and i dont like it so much, but not in a bad way.i think is to noisy, and you need more drums and hats. well im a fan of techtrance music, but thats my opinion. the idea is not so bad. the bass is by far the worst.. if you get rid of the bass and put something different i guess the track would be so much better. there are sound scapes in the middle that are great. you need more work, thats all. bye
  3. yes... is hard to experience psy trance music like 1994-2000, but i dont care because music goes on and i need to move on. i discover psy trance back in..mmm... 1997. Astral projection with dancing galaxy made my day i remember. But i discover this to late, and the scene was in change, evolved all so fast. i think there is good full on, but i have to admit that is all the same music, and is a shame. but there is much more music you know. progressive is great, nice for the dance.. the horny dance you know..LOL . Kruger is always a good musician, FREq, Son kite, Antix, phony orphants... and more dark progressive like suncontrolspecies. Then there is techtrance that i love. it all happens with the first CD from wizzynoise "cybermancy" and i fell in love with those rythms. artist like midimiliz, xdream, fuzzion, metalogic, cybered, the delta, kuro there are good options for quality music. i think that not everything is lost. there is always people that want the past on the present, and no accept the fact that things change.
  4. well i think that PPS project is pretty hard, some x-dream and midimiliz too. Source Unknown is good shit. yeah!
  5. did you set the mixer like your first hardware in reason?
  6. yes.. this is good news!!!... and i really dont understand why people dont like project genesis is one of the best psychedelic albums ever. and i dont think that they are always behiand astral..... maybe with the first album, but with new kind of world they go in a another direction. but who cares..... they are back, ive waiting for this!
  7. this is good news so! ... thanks friends
  8. txs nemo, but i know i can use an adapter to transform from 110/220, but my quetion goes when i want to use the USB power. i dont know if all PCs have the same voltage all over the world, if it is a standard.
  9. so, here is the thing. i need to buy some midi controller and i went to the shop here in chile, and guess what... they work with only maudio stuff. So i decided to buy something in the states, i have some connections there . i want the alesis photon... is a new thing, but i trust on alesis. so the question here is, maybe a stupid one, but who cares . Here in chile we work with 220V, and in usa work with 110V. well the midi controller is powered up via usb connection so the thing is... this voltage is standard/universal, or change if it is 220V/110V? i dont want buy this toy and the whole thing blow up.
  10. Tunel


    well, this conversation has become a very hard one. i guess if someone dont like IFO is ok, is nothing from another world... i think thats a part of nature. in fact i understand, because the first time i listen to pleiadians i thought the same thing... that was too noisey, that was random.. very difficult to catch the tracks... but i recommend more listens.... this things work like that. .. pleiadians is not for everybody.
  11. very interesting post, im very happy to know that peolple is gettin back to the roots and dont belive to much on science, the combination would be spectacular...jeje. there is a little information of sound and the om sound on paramahansa yogananda book, is very astonishing how a person in touch with god can decribe things like that.... is undescriptible like everything.
  12. you know any good tutorial out there nemo?
  13. hi!... and many txs for the replies.... well... im not a synth expert, but i know somethings . well i ask this question about the synth because i want to get a different sound on music... everyones use the same hardware, so.. i guess different things may help me, and the ION have so many good reports that deserves some tried up. i went to the shop here were i live, but doesnt have the ION in stock yet so i cant tried, if i bought it, then they synth will come, so is a risk...jejee. im not trying to say that the virus or the nord are bad, because that would be a lie, so, im just wanna tried different things
  14. txs nemo... well... ive been reading about the 410, and so many people tell it socks, so i would let this one out... i dont know about the edirol card either, but... is a good deal for what it have, and, yes, i know the motu are one of the best.. but there are really expensive so... . I would keep the search, any suggestions are well received oh.. i forgot to mention that i want a firewire carde because i want to do some live acts in the future, when the music gets the right feel.
  15. hi everyone, im trying to get a personal studio running, but i have some questions. About a sound card, what do you think of the M-audio firewire 410 and the Edirol firewire FA101?.. i read some comments on the m-audio 410 and some people say is bad, because of the latency, i wanna know your opinion. And about synth.. what dou you think of the alesis ION?, i know everyone use the nord lead or the virus... but im pretty interested on this one, so.. whats are you opinions?
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