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needle ninja

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Everything posted by needle ninja

  1. 1.The firmware update on the Moog little phatty added an arpegiator and I like it but I don't really use it much in compositions because of the fact that arpegiators are not original and also because it doesn't have anything more then basic patterns. I did recently use a patch on z3ta+ that has arpeggiation, but that synth has a huge amount of patterns available so I didn't think it was too repetitive. What I did is play notes that work with the arp. 5ths and 4ths to stay musical and put the notes at places were the change makes sense. The pattern on my DAW looks like a bunch of long notes that are all held until the next note in sequence but with arpeggiation it's a continuous pattern that shifts up and down a 5th or a 4th after 4 measures or so. 2.I try not to have more tracks then I have to because I hate zooming in and out all the time so I put as much data on each midi track as I can. Midi throughput can handle a lot of data (31.5 kBaud). I've only experienced problems when sending pitchwheel data. When recording pitchwheel input I unplug the midi IN so that it doesn't loop back.
  2. Don't spend anything less than $40,000 Seriously though this should be fine: http://www.cambridgeaudio.com/summary.php?PID=872
  3. This is the future of psytrance.
  4. Do you use only hard synths and drum kits, or only soft ones, or a mixture? I use a mixture since softsynths are so much more convenient. Do you use the PC sequencer for both live performance and at the studio? My PC sequencer has a tendency to drop out one the first play through for some reason but is solid otherwise I hear Ableton Live is good for live performance and would get it if I played live more. When you perform live, do you basically play your tunes one after the other, or do you have your own large tune specifically made for this purpose? One after the other with improvised live stuff. If you perform live, how do you manage transitions from one tune to another (if you use actual synths)? I play a track at a time and don't try to be a DJ. When performing live, do you simulate that you're playing, and use an MP3 playlist while turning the knobs? I like to play my synths live for some chaos in the mix of tracks. Do you assign a MiDi channel per drummer kit instrument (e.g. One MiDi channel dedicated to bass drum, another one for snare drum, etc.) I separate by type. Bass gets its own track, snares get a track, HH and hits and cymbols get a track etc. How do you manage/remember all positions of pots on analog vintage synths when going from one tune to another, in order to always have the expected sound? I don't. Midi does that for me. Do you separate all audio outputs of all possible instruments, for left/right? (e.g. L/R for kick drum, L/R for lead, L/R/ for pad, L/R for synth 1, L/R for bass line, etc.) That would be n instruments × 2 audio channels = twice the number of instruments for the whole number of audio channels... No Do you gather audio outputs on the mixing console by logical groups? (e.g. two slide pots for L/R of all drummer kit, two slide pots for all special effects, two slide pots for basses, etc...) As I stated above I separate by group according to tone and timbre. Do you use an MPC? If so how do you manage the limitations? (lack of tracks, only 16 pads, arguably not convenient...) No, but a hardware drum machine can be easily integrated. I used to use a Kurzweil synth sampler and dedicate 3 midi chanels to it. You can always send program change messages through midi. Do you record all MiDi events such as turning pots, selecting the instrument? I sure do. Did you split your MiDi channels according to your instruments? (e.g. channels 1 to 10 for drummer kit ; channels 11 to 20 for synths, etc.) Sonar assigns a new midi track for each softsynth added and I add a midi track for each program of my Moog I include. How do you gather your MiDi channels in your PC sequencer interface? Sonar has the midi tracks inside of folders associated with each software synthesizer. When composing, do you first compose the main instrument from the beginning to the end, then on top, add the rhythm from the beginning to the end, then the bass, then the pad, then create transitions, then add effects. Or, do you compose at a slower pace but you compose all instruments at the same time, and you even add and fine-tune all effects as you move on? Sometimes one way, sometimes the other. Did you find a way to simulate slide pot motions using MiDi on your analog synths with a CV/Gate to MiDi interface? Or isn't there a way? Thankfully my synth is fully midi intigrated. The only trouble arrives with the filter and resonance pots whitch are not set to 0-127 but send far more numbers. There are CV to midi adapters out there. If you mix MP3s, how to you keep kick drums in sync from one tune to the other? Is there an automatic procedure, or only the hard way? I don't mix much and only know of beatmatching from a few DJs I've talked to. Note though that I have only made one psytrance track in the last two years.
  5. Wherever you go, there you are.
  6. But Diva's new patch was supposed to decrease CPU usage.
  7. We gotta build that!
  8. Sparta should really be the capital of Greece.
  9. It's the future
  10. Its Photoshopped. Still funny for the thought of her falling off the back and....rolling...
  11. This topic and all of its four-year-old melodrama are exactly why I never wanted to be famous. Ever.
  12. Yes, I saw this just after midnight my time. You really need two mouse cursors to properly play with this.
  13. You should live it like it was your last summer ever. Not saying I know anything that is going to happen or anything... lol
  14. Thank you both. This thread can probably be locked now.
  15. This isn't psytrance, don't hate me for that, but I honestly want to know which one of these you prefer. I made the first last year and then I decided to redo it because it wasn't enough like the kind of music I was listening to at the time so I rearranged it. I changed quite a lot really. I deleted the first version on everything but my dvd backup disk and haven't listened to it since. Now, months later I listened to it again and I'm having second thoughts. Original version: newer version
  16. BTW this is officially classified as progressive house. Here is the full track- http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZkFu6qu7qc&feature=related Lemmiwinks, if you are looking for more like this you could browse the progressive house or IDM sections. It is hit-or-miss finding great music anywhere though. OH, have you heard Max Cavalerra - eternity ep? similar sound to this classified as deep house.
  17. Deep house doesn't always have to have obvious jazz influences, it is true that a lot of it does, but deep house is defined as not as vocal as regular house and without the disco-inspired beat that regular house has. Also, I like the track and I like deep house so I will call it same
  18. Right, when making trance, you generally have a sound in mind and then start playing the keyboard to get 'that sound'. The quantization generally comes afterwards along with the arranging. The arranging and rearranging of music has been going on for hundreds of years and is generally agreed to be the work of musicians.
  19. Some people have a talent for remixing. more- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siT2PkPYNho
  20. You shouldn't confuse dubstep with electro. Dubstep = 2/2 time and wub wub bass
  21. That same CNN article says that Greece is ranked around El Salvador for government corruption. Maybe the Arab spring should extend up the Mediterranean?
  22. The economic collapse of 1929-1930 in America produced a wave of belt tightening, that lead to a downward spiral and it wasn't until the New Deal of 1932 that things got any better. The economy didn't totally recover until the industrial boom of WWII, but even bigger for recovery was the GI bill and all of the returning military buying new houses in the suburbs. There is a lot to be said for government spending pulling a nation out of bad economic times.
  23. Loaning money so that they can buy your stuff...America perfected the art
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