This is all true and exactly what I see when I take the time to look at individuals around me.
If individuals act without forward vision in selfish ways it is slightly bad for the rest of us, however is governments likewise do the same, it is potentially catastrophic. Today many people are critizizing the power of multinational corporations. It is almost fashionable, but it misses the real problem of a society based solely on short-term gain.
Corporations and governments are products of the society that nutured them. Without customers, a company cannot exist. You could say that as taxpayers, we are the government's customers aswell. The main thing on the mind of both organisations is satisfying their customer's needs and desires. If we have short-term desires, they will be met. This is especially true of simple desires that are easy to meet. A company will give you 1000 toys before it gives you a single long-term solution.
Interconnectivity is a problem as well as an opportunity. With so many people requesting short-term fixes to meet their desires they overwhelm the ones who ask for longer-term goals. Meet the needs of the majority and you will always be reelected. The system in America works for supplying people who have money with new things to buy. It is a quick fix and an easier solution than planning for global change. With interconnected marketing, we are continueously bombarded with new products to buy. It is the easiest solution to fill, even though it may not be your individual solution, if it works for enough people, the rest can be ignored. Most people, when presented with a limitless amount of options for what to do, will choose to do the simplest task - go to the store and buy a new product. Freedom for the undirected mind is a waste of time and resourses. It hurts the environment and untimately the world all of us live in.