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needle ninja

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Everything posted by needle ninja

  1. Nice looking place, but that glass is a highly reflective surface and you will have all kinds of trouble mixing there. Try to find a non-square shaped room with few or no windows, or windows covered in heavy drapes. Avoid monitor placement in corners or adacent to corners and, of course, keep monitors at the level of your ears in an equalateral triangle with your head.
  2. I consider it a good thing that I haven't seen a lot of these djs because of the times I've seen the few I have seen and the people I was around at the time.
  3. Well yea, duh, its all about the money for 90some percent of people out there. Just image anything you give free being rubbed in someones croch, if you can live with that, ok, if not, don't give it away.
  4. Great stuff I like the first one the best.
  5. I've been a fan of sci-fi movies since I was a kid watching on television so its natural I like samples that are from sci-fi movies. A lot of psytrance sounds fit with the theme of spacey sci-fi or futuristic stuff so the samples work (when not overdone).
  6. I agree with the OP on this, now that I've seen Superbad on cable I can't understand why it was so popular. But then, never overstimate the audience, Judd Apatow makes what the masses want to see. He is the current studio darling.
  7. I read that. Now I'm reading Renewable Energy Policy, Paul Komor and The Scientist as Rebel, Dyson.
  8. Has anyone mentioned the 'Power Pill' EP ? Its probably only -pick your favorite of the bunch, toss the rest- but still great stuff. and his unreleased stuff...
  9. Sounds good.. Copy some great song's basic structure with those sounds and you got yourself a hit;)
  10. It needs more structure. That's the problem with most ambient, it doesn't have an identifiable structure - they get all these nice sounds and then just put them together without a form holding it all together. That's why I hear the criticism 'ambient is just noise' because song structure is still important, even in ambient. It's also why I don't collect ambient, I don't feel satisfied listening to most I hear.
  11. I almost never find any good deep house anymore, it was always quite underground. Best from '96-'00
  12. Can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SjmaRo8Nqo&feature=PlayList&p=F664B9D6138600A4&index=70&playnext=2&playnext_from=PL ...or the theme to Beatleguse
  13. What kind of soundcard do you have on your PC The audio out of the SH-201 should go to the audio in on the PC's soundcard then the mix software out (from FL)should go to your mixer Make sure FL Studio can see your soundcard and that you have it set to recieve audio from that source.
  14. Updates: Kung Fu Hussle - Not funny or interesting at all 1/10 Ice Age 2 - watchable 5/10 House of 1000 Corpses - kind of retarded 2/10 Sicko - nothing new to offer anyone 3/10
  15. Nice Start! The first track just needs to be finished up a bit. The second has a long way to go. Inspration has never been even keel for me. I'll throw this in 2 Genre: Tech Trance (i think) BPM : 124 Length: 4:30 Sounds: z3ta+1 - bassline Battery 3 - drums Juno 106 - sounds Cakewalk Rapture - pads Dimension Pro - melody from 2:36 Moog little phatty - bass Drop Zone 1 - wisp sound samples from a sci-fi collection... Sequencing : mix of live and step In Search Of still don't quite like this, spent too much time on it perhaps
  16. I actually like the music from the first Terminator better (played endcredits) Also soundtrack from the movie Basquiat Bladerunner 2001: A Space Odyssey The Sting Chariots of Fire
  17. lol I'll have some wine with my satan
  18. You should stalk ebay for old, analog synthesizers and ultimately pay a years wages for something you use once, take to a festival and have electrical problems with.
  19. Its as though people repeat themselves Its as though people repeat themselves
  20. Sounds like a movie that will never be released in america. I hate this country.
  21. I'm broke until the 16th And I have to reinstall Sonar 8.
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