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needle ninja

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Everything posted by needle ninja

  1. I have thought about doing this for live sets. Change The Future was made this way with nothing but short loops mixed on the fly. I go back and forth on creation styles though - I get bored easily.
  2. Back to the OP I have been told that the best effect is to use a real space. ie. to record in the atmosphere you want the sound to capture. Most on this forum create high-BPM compressed psytrance music so this is probably going to go to waste. I have never recorded in a real space, the most I've done is use a convolution reverb however I have thought about recording an amp against industrial metal surfaces and I have recorded the sound in my studio several times. As far as other effects, I have noticed that getting away from the presets is going to give you that 'wonky', as the Brittish would say, sound. Nowdays I try to use at least one effect in a mix in the far reaches of acceptability, that is, quite abnormal sound effect. This is due to the fact that there are thousands of producers worldwide doing the same kinds of things.
  3. +1 oh shit this is a psytrance site
  4. Really only use the driver made for your card. - generic drivers always have problems
  5. Yesterday I bought a 500GB SATA hard drive and a dvd burner with lightscribe.
  6. So if you spend too much time on there, do your teeth fall out?
  7. Don't know if it belongs here, but I got Alter Ego - Decoding the Hacker Myth.
  8. Age 11 : Recorded the Dr Who Theme from the TV Age 12 : I would thump the mattress with my hands Age 14 : I would drum on the tub Age 16 : I recorded scratching a piece of ribbed vinyl Age 17 : Rapped on my brother's outgoing answering machine message...
  9. multiple ways : sync multiple oscillators 4 pole lp filter with high res. BP filter with high res (thinner sound) fequency modulation with a very high rate -assign a square or saw to the mod shape
  10. *Learn to use the pattern step-record feature, it's great! *Put your hhats in a dedicated track with a hipass filter *vocal samples can be weirded up by assigning pitch to a sine modulation *its fun to throw vocals into the audio in port of an analog synth and mess with the filter sweep *assign some instuments a reverb with a longer predelay to give depth to your sound *reverse a sample in a wave editor, add reverb/echo, then re-reverse it *adding a slow flange to an element of your percussion will make it stand out more in the mix and finally *Visine is a producers best friend
  11. For me making what I love is a drug. I have woken up early to make music, once I even got sleep deprived, I have lost track of time to make music, and I have stayed up almost all night before making beats. So I try to moderate it and get all my chores and nessesary stuff done beforehand. I may be an obsessive-compusive type though.
  12. Oh, and yesterday I got Kraftwerk - Tour de France album used
  13. alter - landscapes dr-nojoke
  14. some physical cds for a change Etnica - Sharp ALEXSEX - Hooligan
  15. morp phlenidol - long distance runner ep brian kage - eight ways ep ruber dinhgy pirates - only the pirates format C: - sweet home check the thiner label
  16. This kind of shit happens all the time in Sonar. I get stuff off by miliseconds and I have to manually drag to the snap point and it is a pain in the ass. Total time killer, though once in place it can then be locked.
  17. Morp Phlenidol - manipulation simulation
  18. Yes, with a lot of makup.
  19. All the djs I have met that collect vinyl end up having a wall in their homes devoted to storage. I have seen djs bring in record boxes on luggage carts to use in a set. So, vinyl is a commitment of sorts One I was never able to make.
  20. The only thing that has worked for me has been to get a lot of sleep beforehand. Distractions destroy my creative process whether they be computer problems or outside noises etc. The best catalyst for creativity has been just a lot of free time.
  21. It comes and it goes. The music is the modivation, I need it like water.
  22. Yes, I did not want to change the origional Bpm. It was sequenced in a 400x600? pixel lcd screen on my old Yamaha W7 in 1999. I have heard that hardware sequencers have slightly better timing although that may be a rumour. Anyway I will check on that again tonight.
  23. I got it. Turned out to be 130.02 BPM. The .02 part was the problem - pain in the ass! Now I got a great remix! ...if its done
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