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  1. Too boring and not imaginative...
  2. This album is great...It captures the feeling of good old times in almost effortless way...Anyway I liked Luna better than Sola because of the overuse of Indian vocals...But...I find no such emotional and sincere moments on many contemprorary chill/ambient albums...Thanks George
  3. He tried so desperate to sound like Ultimae that I found no sincerity in his music.
  4. When it's gonna be reviewed?
  5. I've listened recently to all their stuff that I got...It's pure brilliance all the way...Got no more patience to listen to the new album...
  6. All Namlook's collaborations with Tetsu Inoue are CLASSICS - Shades of Orion, 2350 Broadway, 62 Eulengasse, Time2....
  7. I listen to uk psychedelic trance like Aphid Moon, Prometheus, EVP, Error Corrective...Still, I find this album very enjoyable...There is certain amount of energy that pumps me up every time...And "Time to get serious" is one of my all-time favourites...
  8. Bad mastering indeed...Especially the first two tracks...One have to put volume levels up and down, which is a bad mark...The music anyway is good if a little unpolished...I think that there's no matter who has done the mastering job if the listener feels unconvenient while listening...I don't mean to insult anyone...Just expressing my sincere opinion...
  9. Hey man, it's easy to say this album is boring if it doesn't meet your criteria...It is the opposite of all software crap music that floods the market...
  10. I thought a lot so there si no "last-released" effect. Here it is: 1.Tron - Existence 2.Koxbox - U-Turn 3.Psypsiq Jicuri - A Rain Of Hope In The Galaxy 4.Commercial Hippies - If You Can’t Stand The Heat… 5.Human Blue - misStArRyAs Xperience
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