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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Above & Beyond - World on Fire (Maor Levi remix) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PUX_kKz6Eg Gouryella - Walhalla http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY_rS1wdMDE And a really good trancer is Sister Bliss - Sister Sister (Nalin & Kane remix) If you can ever find it. It's not like typical eurotrance, it's more progressive. It has an awesome floating melody.
  2. WHJAT?? That first tune is a totally lame rip off from the opening tune of Secret of Mana, one of the best adventure games on the SNES. Oh well..... even Mozart was desecrated to please the trance crowd: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIaJdyeivuY
  3. Steve Roach - Fires Burning On top of the haunted ruins of an ancient civilization deep in the jungle at night.
  4. +1 here's a fantastic live version, with an awesome solo halfway and mark knopfler chatting a bit with eric clapton during the song :clapping:
  5. Pete Namlook & Klaus Schulze - Dark Side of the Moog IX, tracks 1, 5 & 6. And yes, nice track.
  6. CD or high quality MP3, it doens't matter. Listening in bed with headphones = the one and only ultimate test for all music that is ambient/chill/whatever.
  7. Awesome track :clapping:
  8. this is so fantastic :clapping:
  9. Completely phenomenal and mesmerizing tribal ambient album. Tracks 2-6 are out of this world.
  10. Pleasantly surprised with this track, a bit like Trentemoller but more enjoyable.
  11. Sasha - Coma (Original Mix)
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8AA_O3ejVw (the music you hear is not from that concert, they are mixed fragments from the original 1984 release)
  13. Pete Namlook & Klaus Schulze - Dark Side of the Moog IX
  14. Robert Rich - Bestiary Some twisted ambient music.
  15. Jeff Greinke - Last Wave Now that's some gorgeous ambient.
  16. Raison D'etre - Metamorphyses phase IV + V Incredible.
  17. Bahamut


    There's a particular type of IDM I despise. It's the extremely glitchy, noisy, abstract, ADHD look-how-complex-my-beats-and-how-random-my-melodies-are IDM.
  18. Great tune, I prefer Tiesto remix. One of the few great (euro)trance anthems.
  19. Klaus Schulze - Crystal Lake.
  20. Steve Roach - Arc of Passion This music gives meaning to my life.
  21. Pete Namlook & Dr. Atmo - Trip :clapping:
  22. Telomere - The Stellar Sea Recent album inspired by the above album with use of same modular synth. Very nice spacemusic. Steve Roach - Arc of Passion Aside from some old classics, ambient doesn't get any better than Steve Roach at his best. Pete Namlook & Dr. Atmo - Silence 1 Brilliant oldie from FAX.
  23. Michael Stearns - Planetary Unfolding (1981) This is the holy grail of 'beatless soft warm ambient' music. The one album that everything else will be measured with.
  24. I hear sounds and sound quality, just no music. Dull and meaningless structures and melodies. No atmosphere, emotion, nothing original, imaginative or interesting. Steve Roach could fiddle some knobs blindfolded while eating a burger and still make an ambient drone that sounds more interesting than this entire album.
  25. KLAUS SCHULZE & PETE NAMLOOK - DARK SIDE OF THE MOOG XI !! Though I'm not sure yet if I like it.
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