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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Art of Noise - Il Pleure this is great! their name is very familiar but I never heard their music before
  2. sorry wrong topic anyway, I'd recommend dozens of non-psy ambient albums first
  3. thanks ... there are actually some samples from Blizzard games in there ^^ I don't really have something similar. But here is dark, droning piece you might like. http://people.zeelandnet.nl/rverpl/Bahamut...le%20Energy.mp3 nothing too spectacular btw
  4. SIGNUM - SECOND WAVE (original version) woooooooooosh probably my favorite epic trance track! definately more emotional power and energy than most psytrance
  5. indeed Juno Reactor - Magnetic has a nice ambient intro
  6. seriously, just listen to this combo a few times: Tetsu Inoue - Chill In Chill Out Tetsu Inoue - Ring of Power that's all you need for now the guy is a genius
  7. If you're up for something a bit more adventurous: Michael Stearns - Planetary Unfolding (1981) It's old but it's awesome alright...and sort of psychedelic as well. Good for headphones listening in bed, of course For me it was a very special experience. (ps you probably need to d/l this)
  8. Portamento - 48 Hours I think I got it from a forum member. Very cool track.
  9. Tetsu Inoue - Organic Cloud and more Just run a search for ambient in topic titles. I'm sure I replied to almost all of them.
  10. Robert Rich - Numena it's great and man, the first track... it slowly develops in what is surely one of ambient's all time greatest moments
  11. I know almost nothing of metal. I think the % of stuff that I would like will probably as low as with psytrance: some very cool stuff, but most of it mediocre at best.
  12. Klaus Schulze - Floating eternal cosmic greatness one of those tracks I've been completely obsessed with
  13. wow, very nice! creepy and twisted what did you create it with? about the BPM, I don't think it matters at all with this style of music
  14. I'll start with: *gone* turn up the volume! hope you like it also post your own dark ambient/expirimental/noise/whatever stuff here, if you have some... it will be fun!
  15. The Overlords - Sundown (Juno Reactor & Don Davis remix) Vangelis - Hymne (Ulrich Schnauss remix)
  16. Signum - Second Wave Lost Witness - 7 Colours Push - Strange World (2000 Remake) Rank 1 - Sensation 2003 Anthem Sensation - The Anthem 2004
  17. my favorite tracker tracks ever: http://people.zeelandnet.nl/rverpl/2nd_pm.xm (original was Screamtracker 3) http://people.zeelandnet.nl/rverpl/2ndr-sk.s3m from the demo 2nd Reality by Future Crew in 1993... nostalgia
  18. Pete Namlook & Bill Laswell - The Fate Of Energy cool cooler coolest this track
  19. psytrance is always one of the biggest rooms on Soulseek
  20. Dark ambient is my way to feed my dark side and imagination. The defining album: Lustmord - Heresy I cannot begin to describe the greatness of this "music" ...or maybe a better description would be "sound art". Listen in the dark, in bed, with headphones and get ready to be transported to the depths of a dark, demonic underworld. Listen when you're going to bed, but not if you're really tired. When the circumstances are right, it will be a fascinating, mind-altering experience that you will not forget. This stuff plays with your imagination unlike any other music, period!! No drugs needed (and I wouldn't recommend that either, I guess).
  21. Juno Reactor > psy
  22. http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=25134 but thanks anyway
  23. Pete Namlook & Klaus Schulze - Dark Side of the Moog 9 - Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Mother part 1 aaaaahhhh I needed this...chilling out with a cold beer... nice breeze through the window.. the sun is going down... and this perfect chillout music is playing... pure bliss
  24. Cass and Slide - Perception (new vocal mix)
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