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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. And now I'm listening to Manuel Göttsching (Ash Ra Tempel) - E2-E4 This is trance music from 1981... like Early Water it's waaay too stretched... but in the second half hour the guitar comes in again and wow, I'm loving it. Talk about hypnotic music!
  2. np: Michael Hoenig & Manuel Göttsching - Early Water Old school synths + guitar from a rehearsal tape from 1976. Check this excerpt: http://people.zeelandnet.nl/rverpl/EarlyWater.mp3 Why change that sequence anyway? Make this last forever and it still wouldn't bore me.
  3. please let me know if there's details on Juno Reactor in Belgium
  4. Juno Reactor - Labyrinth Yes, they use familiar elements from previous works, but they combine it with all sorts of new stuff... and with this incredibly varied mix of different elements/sounds they manage to create something that is totally unique (compared to other music) and original enough compared to previous albums. Their style evolves on its own independent from music by other artists. That is what sets them apart from most 'psy' and basicly all other dance music, where 99% is copy-cat music.
  5. Sasha - Immortal... pretty cool tune
  6. You forgot Mona Lisa Overdrive (soundtrack version), Solaris, Song for Ancestors, Navras and Mutant Message!!!!!! and.... and...
  7. To end this relaxed weekend, I'm gonna sit back and listen to the godly ambient combo: Tetsu Inoue - Chill In Chill Out + Ring of Power
  8. if there's anything NOT cheesy it's Juno Reactor anything 'psy' would be cheesy before juno reactor
  9. Very nice that a special forum was created for us.
  10. you're new to electronic music and you already like Juno Reactor! ...dude, a whole world of incredible music lies before you discovering new music with virgin ears is the best thing after sex
  11. Indeed, my favorite psytrance track. Everything about it is perfect.
  12. HMmm. I really can't decide which track I like the most. They're all equal to me. Best one for the dancefloor is.... No Good ... brings up cool memories .. going to a club with some friends when I was like 16... completely freaking out on the dance floor on No Good... while half of the public there was a black bad ass hip hop crowd...sort of
  13. Ozric Tentacles - Spiralmind awesome
  14. Prodigy - Music for the jilted generation Favorite track: all.
  15. Erpland. Would be in my top 10 desert island picks, it's so good..
  16. Jeff Pearce - Autumn and Regret Jeff Pearce - Veil Of Lake Snow Beautiful guitar ambient, makes me feel a bit sad. and how could I forget... Vangelis - Rachel's Song
  17. 1 Dissolving The Code (7:28) 2 Evolution (11:38) 3 Impulse (10:07) 4 Neurotropic (6:23) 5 Mindheart Infusion (12:20) 6 Sense (7:57) 7 Neural Connection (12:07) 8 In The Marrow (5:15) Because I've been raving about this quite often, I decided it deserves a place in the review section: The electronic music of the future is here! On Blood Machine, the skilled and talented Roach and Unis combine beautiful soundscapes with complex "fractal rhythms". The result is a truly breathtaking, fascinating and psychedelic journey through a futuristic soundworld. Perfect for chilling with headphones. The compositions evolve slowly and subtlely and manage to hold your interest for most of the time (except for some long fade outs). The sounds are fresh and deep and the rhythms.. well, they are unlike anything you've heard before. They consist of multiple layers of (sometimes very fast paced) original electronic percussion sounds... this truly unique stuff. Production quality is awesome as well. Blood Machine is far ahead of anything that tries to create a deep/floating/spacy atmosphere by combining textures and rhythms - from other Ambient/Chillout to Drum 'n Bass to IDM - it all sounds dated and primitive compared to this. A masterpiece. 10/10 Favorite tracks: 1,2,5,6
  18. Yeah pretty cool album. Locomotion and Consumed are my favs. But for my taste not special and interesting enough to be an all time favorite.
  19. Psychonavigation 2 is great! I recommend at least Air 1 and 2, Namlook XV, Fires of Ork 1 (Namlook & Biosphere), Dark Side of the Moog IX (Namlook & Schulze), Organic Cloud (Tetsu Inoue)
  20. 24
  21. Brian Eno - Dunwich Beach, Autumn, 1960: All time favorite track. Desolation captured in audio. Pete Namlook & Bill Laswell - The Fate Of Energy: Cool darkness. Steve Roach - Infinite Shore: As part of the *Magnificent* Void (all time favorite ambient album). So deep. Jeff Greinke - Last Wave: Pure beauty!! Steve Roach & Vir Unis - Sense: Really special pad/texture melodies combined with pulsating sounds. Amazing. Steve Roach & Vir Unis - Evolution: Entire track til it starts fading out. One of the coolest electronic rhythms ever. Vir Unis & Saul stokes - Blurring Maguro: The build up and when the rhythm kicks in. What a track. Robert Rich & Lustmord - Hidden Refuge. The first 3 minutes, especially the big bass at 2:00 followed by the terror piano. Pete Namlook - Je suis triste et seul ici: Subtle The Orb - Plateau: Just instant atmosphere And more. See also other threads
  22. The only psy-ambient track worthy enough to make it to my list is Shpongle - And the day... most notably the build up with flute playing - before the heavy rhythm part - and the climax at the end. Tangerine Dream - Rubycon Part 1: The sequencer part from 8th minute on or so. It doesn't get any better. I'll get back on this later.
  23. ahem, not really ambient but check this track: Redshift - Mania I don't like most I've heard from them, but... man, this is simply irresistable. Especially the first 3 minutes will make you wanna turn up the volume... woooaaaaah make it last longer!!
  24. The Tiesto remix of Barber's Adagio for strings
  25. Mona Lisa Overdrive original is IMO the best Matrix type track they did. Mutant Message is also a great sound orgy.
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