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Everything posted by PsyGoatDelic

  1. list updated...
  2. Mystery School Ensemble - Mystery School Ensemble (Artifact Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/367399 Various - Psufi (Elektrik Orgasm Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/63261 Various - No Possible Soundz (6-Dimension Sound) http://www.discogs.com/release/763997
  3. here is my pile: need to dust it a up bit and also reinforce the shelves...
  4. Psychopod/Koxbox Orion Ubar Tmar Hux Flux Weirdo Beardo old style only! (most of the further releases by these artists have only let me down)
  5. please help us (me first! ) of getting this:
  6. that's all I've wanted to hear and I understand your offer sounds fair enough I hope the cd will shop up soon... thanks.
  7. would appreciate if we can move this conversation to a more personal two-on-two place
  8. Please let's NOT go off topic! it's not about psynews, pienews nor isratrance! I understand work or other reasons for delay, but I do NOT understand why on earth for every mail I sent you I get a reply several days later! If there is a delay tell me about it! Don’t wait till I’ll ask… Further more, how come while I had troubles to get a package from you I’ve already received two packages from another Australian guy without any problems and even very fast shipment???
  9. edited
  10. I'm sorry to write these lines, I read good feedbacks above, and also spotted one old positive feedback of mine, This whole deal began over a month ago in which I really felt communication was very and still IS poor and eventually I got the feeling I'm being fucked up! It all started when I've posted this request: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=44022 I got a pm from Mike aka The Journey Man Project on 28th of January, saying he just found this cd in a perfect condition but not sealed and if I'm interesting I can buy him a cd of his picking… Very enthusiastic I've immediately asked Mike for a link to what he would like me to buy for him, and there was the first "red light" I should have seen, a reply was to come only two days later at the 30 on January. I wasn't sure on how to enter the address correctly so I re-pmed Mike to ask if I'm right, the reply was also late to come and received it, again, only two days after at the 1st of February. I can understand when a man is busy with his personal life or whatever and can't stay in front of the computer all day… but it's not only that! On the 1st of February once I got a reply that the address I've entered is correct I made the purchase on saikosounds and I've received the invoice at that same day to my mail and forward it to Mike's email address along with my address, a reply from mike was only 4 days later on the 5th thanking me and telling me that he will ship the cd later that day after work. I was waiting for the cd, days passed and no cd, after two weeks I've decided to contact Mike again and ask when did he shipped the cd, and was it a registered mail… that was on the 21st of February. A reply came 5 days later at the 26th, Mike said he wrote my address wrong and that the cd returned to him. I gave him my address again at that same day (26th) and got no reply whether he sent the cd again or not… I kept waiting in patience… on the 2nd of March wrote another mail, no reply! On the 7th of March I've sent another mail asking what is going on, reply came day later on the 8th: "I spoke to the post office and they checked the tracking number yesterday, they said that there has been a bit of trouble with postage to Israel the last few months and it will definitely arrive to your addres by this time next week absolute latest" For the protocol, at the same time I've also had trade with Pat (aka Technosomy), he is from Australia too but we had no troubles what so ever, got his package very fast (about a week), got two packages from him, one about the same time as I first started the conversation with Mike and the meanwhile I got yesterday (13th) another package from Pat-Technosomy - this is when I've decided I've had enough! While writing these lines (13th of March) I've decided to wait a little longer and give Mike another chance, wrote him an email and waiting for reply or package, Today is the 16th, after no reply I also pmed him on psynews two days ago, no reply also here !?
  11. Uvantam.com - Guri & Guru (Panorama Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/609628 Various - Ecliptic: Tsuyoshi DJ Mix For Issey Miyake Men By Naoki Takizawa (Matsuri Productions) http://www.discogs.com/release/141216 thanks a lot Pat! you are the greatest!
  12. oh!!! I'm glade someone finally understood me
  13. i will if someone will ask me to, possible... there is one list of things that i own for trade, there are lots of stuff i see on 2nd but im not sure whether to take or not I dont want to get stuck with it if noon looks for it but anyway my idea was that if one sees a ridicules price on a release on discogs but seen it elsewhere for normal price then come here and link it...
  14. I know what you mean, I didn't said anything can be found, but I'm starting at a point, like the releases I've posted in the beginning and btw, the whole point was not the many releases i can get 2nd hand (these i find less and less recently) but the releases you can still find on the different online shops for normal price when people on discogs try to sell these at inflated prices we can't say "that's life nothing we can do", we can do something... I don't mind living in the dumpster for couple of months but earning 250£ per week, then I can go back to India for a whole year and even more without worrying about my money or my foture
  15. 250£ a week!? can I be that some one? that's a very respectful amount for only one week! better working in the UK I see...
  16. You all suck! none of you got my point (except for basilisk) and I quite on explaining it all again You want spend lots of money of rarities then do it by all means I was offering an idea that will help you but all you do is bitching around Enjoy your shit
  17. so pay what ever you like...
  18. keep reading mate! i can find it here , new copy, and save who ever is looking for it all this ridicules prices! that was only an example. what i meant to say, and basilisks said it better than me: informaiton is power! i know there are releases that are VERY hard to find and people ask for inflated prices for them. BUT! and there is a big BUT! we can find alternatives on shops / 2nd hand shops or other places! so lets gather all this information and help each other!
  19. you didn't get my point! too tired now, tomorrow will come back with reinforced energies bless you mate, hope you got the point
  20. I didn't said I can get anything on discogs! wise ass! but If I could... and I already have found some rare oldies in the past, I never asked for high price! I even prefer not to get involved with money... I don't think it's right
  21. there you have it!!! I feel I'm above all that materialistic stuff! of course you need money to buy your beloved music! and some for other payments... but i don't think people should over react and state these prices! this is just what I wanted to make, to focus all this power of information right here! I can get you that Moment of truth, you don't need to pay that much! someone else can get other stuff... etc... etc..
  22. I can understand demand and supply... but for crying out loud! people have no dignity... and another one I just saw: http://www.discogs.com/sell/list?release_id=367399 when you can get it here: http://www.wirikuta.at/web66/product_detai...howDetail=35757 http://www.discogs.com/sell/list?release_id=69247 when you can get it here: http://www.wirikuta.at/web66/product_detai...showDetail=1441 or http://saikosounds.com/english/display_release.asp?id=2781 http://www.discogs.com/sell/list?release_id=108383 http://www.wirikuta.at/web66/product_detail.jsp;jsessionid=AIPCDODDBGPG?showDetail=8226 http://www.discogs.com/sell/list?release_id=221035 http://www.wirikuta.at/web66/product_detail.jsp;jsessionid=AIPCDODDBGPG?showDetail=37934 I wonder what colin has to say about this one right here: http://www.discogs.com/sell/list?release_id=231978 I think this was already discussed here on the past this cd can still be found here on tower records...
  23. I’m sick tired of all these greedy people on discogs that own some rare/old release and ask for a ridicules price to sell it! I’ve decided to put an end to this and I would appreciate if you can give me a hand, I know it’s all about supply and demand but give me a break! I can find some of them still factory wrapped on local shops here, on online shops or for scraps in 2nd hand shops It wasn't on my want list, just stumble on it by accident... http://www.discogs.com/sell/list?release_id=81584 why paying 15£/30£ or even 40£ for a cd?! did you made the music yourself? perhaps also printed the cd? I've seen this cd last week on a local shop, they still have several factory sealed copies! I believe I can find more examples like it. Let’s all unite to fight this ridicules phenomenon... peace
  24. if you find it again for 10 euros let us know... ok?
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